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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. srussell999

    Brewing Shoes

    I wear old running shoes. They rarely soak through. However, the last 4 brew days I haven't spilled anything on the floor. I consider a dry floor an indication of a very good brew day.
  2. srussell999

    How long does your beer last? Does it even get a chance to age?

    This is what's great about HomeBrewTalk. Everyone has a different answer because beer and brewing beer is so versatile. What works for one person, for a multitude of valid reasons, doesn't work for all. All the beers I listed are moderate to low alcohol but come fall, it's back to wee heavy...
  3. srussell999

    How long does your beer last? Does it even get a chance to age?

    Since December 1st I've brewed 19 corny kegs of beer and one keg of cider (actually the cider isn't in the keg yet). Currently I have 4 kegs in the keezer (saison, dubbel, American amber & hefeweizen) and 5 kegs in storage/lagering (2 kegs of märzen, 2 kegs of Mexican lager & 1 keg of...
  4. srussell999

    Self Restraint????

    When I lived in Germany the local brewery delivered, to my house, a case of 20 - 0.5L bottles each week. No beer went to waste. Yes, there were people that visited and had a beer or two, but I also visited their home and had a beer or two there. To give you and idea of how long ago that was...
  5. srussell999

    Pound of Flesh

    It's important to look at the various aspects of homebrewing differently. Equipment counts as a capital expenditure and is amortized over the use of the equipment. If you spend $3,000 on a brewing system (easy to do) and you brew one batch of beer, that's very expensive beer. However if you...