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  1. Oneiroi

    What the funk is going on with my Hefe?

    In your position the stubborn part of me would keep testing variables till I got it right, and it might make a better brewer, but the rational voice in my head would be asking why I’m not just making ‘one of the best I’ve ever drunk’ out of DME instead, whatever works right? Edit: More...
  2. Oneiroi

    Why Whirlfloc when I can gelatine?

    A less technical answer... but I avoid gelatin because have several vegetarian friends who regularly drink my beer. I don’t have many clarity issues just using whirlfloc and serving cold so haven’t felt the need to look into the vege gelatin alternatives much but iirc they don’t work the same way.
  3. Oneiroi

    Grains for sours/lambics etc.

    I was looking for L.Plantarum but my health food shop only had Acidophilus and i thought I'd read somewhere that it would work, think I'd better scratch the idea and start afresh, thanks for the help though :) EDIT: Although I have actually just seen this on milk the funk (yoghurt souring...
  4. Oneiroi

    Grains for sours/lambics etc.

    Alway comes down to money doesn't it? Good to know theres not a definitive reason not to though, thanks! Oops! great reference anyway :) It turned out my brew-belt was more powerful than I thought, heated my lacto started up to 125f+ before I cottoned on. Pitched "50billion" Lacto Acidophilus...
  5. Oneiroi

    Grains for sours/lambics etc.

    Good to hear thanks, I've started a Lacto starter to use at the weekend! Love your site by the way, read a few recipes and bookmarked to explore more later :)
  6. Oneiroi

    Post your infection

    One from a few months back, beer was almost drinkable but left a definite and slightly unpleasant funk. Was a 1.072 Belgian blonde with WLP530 Abbey, Hydro sample just before this started tasted damn good too :rolleyes: Similar infection (by taste & smell at least) had happened on a prev brew...
  7. Oneiroi

    New Equipment for a Beginner Brewer

    Some good advice above, I started with small 2.5g stovetop batches and really enjoyed it. Good excuse to brew more, dial in your process and most importantly try lots of different beers/recipes for less cost. You say you have a 5 gal pot already, I would maybe get the cheap paint strainer bags...
  8. Oneiroi

    Grains for sours/lambics etc.

    I'm a newish brewer, curious about sour/lambic/wild/etc beer styles. I wondering what the reason was for wheat and pilsner seeming to be the most common grains? I ask because I'll be brewing a decent OG rye IPA (Denny Conns recipe - looks great!) and was toying with the idea of parti-gyling...
  9. Oneiroi

    Infection questions

    Thanks both for your replies, all the info I was looking for and obviously lots to learn. There was a ton of headspace in the fermenter so that might be something to think about I guess as well as cleaning processes, though hopefully it will just have been something off the dry hops as...
  10. Oneiroi

    Infection questions

    Hi Guys, I'm sure you get this a lot, but I couldn't find the specific answers I was looking for. Just brewed my 3rd batch. All grain, BIAB, decided to go back to basics to work on the processes so a single malt, single hop pale ale. Anyway.... Went to bottle yesterday and there was a fine...