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  1. Kene64

    Fermenting in my fast fermenter

    I've found that with the fastferment, I needed to dump after about a week. But it came down to the amount that was in the collection ball. Don't let the ball get full where the trube backs up into the cone. It can compact in the base of the cone and become a challenge getting it to clear.
  2. Kene64

    To Keg or Not to Keg

    I moved to kegs over a year ago and never looked back. I went with kegs because I didn't like having sediment in my bottles. Im sure you can make good beer without using kegs. The quality of my beer went up when I started kegging. To be fair, I did also make changes to my brew process at the...
  3. Kene64

    Pro & Cons of Conicals

    If you switch to using conical fermenters you won't find much difference in the quality of your brews. I made the move from carboys to conicals and have been very happy with the decision. I did try the plastic conical fermenters. I found they are difficult to clean properly and don't hold up...
  4. Kene64

    Cloudy beer gravity drop?

    the gravity will change if there is still viable yeast and sugars in the beer. Cloudiness alone is no indicator of the beers ability to continue to ferment. You may still get some fermentation. Let it rest in secondary for a week and check it again.
  5. Kene64

    Color to dark ...

    You will need to provide more information. What other grains are you planning to use? How much of each?
  6. Kene64

    Recirculating mash question...

    I agree. Restrict the flow and give your mash as stir as indicated. But, when restricting the flow, do it on the discharge side of the pump. If you don't already have a ball valve on the out port of your pump get one. The pump is not self priming and the ideal way to control the flow is on...
  7. Kene64

    Significantly lower FG than expected

    If it looks, smells and tastes good, you're good. The low gravity isn't common but considering the high volume of sugars, healthy yeast will keep growing and working in the right conditions.
  8. Kene64

    Is my beer fermenting ok?

    You should be fine. 6 days in and you still have activity in the airlock is good. Be patient and let it run its course.
  9. Kene64

    Beer turns entirely to foam on pour

    As you've identified, you have an over carbonated batch. Letting a little co2 out is the right thing to do. When you recap the remaining co2 will release into the available head space Andy then equalize with the amount of co2 in solution. The more head space in the bottle the more co2 that...
  10. Kene64

    Underpitched hefe question

    Your pitch amount is fine. The lower temperature will cause slow yeast activity. You need to be patient and give the yeast time. It should also take longer for fermentation to complete.
  11. Kene64

    Propane paranoia

    You are overthinking it. As long as you have some ventilation (like the overhead door open) you will be fine. The only real risk with your propane if if you have a flame out and just let the gas run. Never leave your burner unattended. It's always a good plan to have a fire extinguisher on...
  12. Kene64

    Can I use a carbon filter on my beer?

    I've been using a 1.0 micron filter but still ending up with cloudy beer. I was thinking that by dropping to 0.5 micron I would be able to get the clarity I'm looking for. I did have some issues with my glycol system. It wasn't getting my fermenter below 46 degrees. I,ve corrected it and my...
  13. Kene64

    Grain bed with heating mash tun

    There are two parts to your question. I have a HERMS system on my mashtun, here's is what I do. First, stirring the mash. When i dough in I leave the mas "rest" for 45 to 60 minutes (or longer depending on your recipe). If you open the mashtun and stir the grain you will release a lot of your...
  14. Kene64

    Can I use a carbon filter on my beer?

    Thanks I'll look into the gelatin option. Since I've not used this product before, do you recommend anything in particular or are they all pretty much created equal?
  15. Kene64

    Witbier stopped fermenting

    I doubt it's an issue with your mash temperature. However, if you do mash in at the lower temp it's ideal to do a step mash, stepping the temp up to around 165 or 170. But that's not what you're asking. How much Yeast did you pitch? How long did it ferment for? Did you use a Yeast starter...
  16. Kene64

    Can I use a carbon filter on my beer?

    I've not used gelatin. My thought was to put the 0.5 micron filter in line and be good to go without needing to use gelatin or other similar products. Is it the carbon filter or that its 0.5 that may strip the flavor out?
  17. Kene64

    Can I use a carbon filter on my beer?

    I have some 0.5 micron carbon filters I'd like to use to filter my beer to gain some additional clarity to my home brews. To help with refining resources let me provide a little background on my process. I have a 15 gallon brew system (brewing 5 to 15 gallon batches at a time). I use HERMS...