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  1. C


    I've learned that using my old mash calculations don't work with GF. My efficiency sucked. I tried GF's mash water calculator and efficiency is always over 78 now.
  2. C


    The one thing everyone is forgetting is H2O boils at 212 deg at atmospheric psi. That said you have hydro static pressure in the kettle and since the probe is at the bottom the temp can be 215 deg. Boil temp in chem is measured at top of liquid as this is the most accurate place. Another aspect...
  3. C

    Belgian Dark Strong Ale Westvleteren 12 Clone - Multiple Award Winner

    I ordered a pouch of Simplicity Syrup for priming bottles. Unfortunately it had crystallized. I think it must have frozen during shipping. I put pouch in hot water on stove to heat and feels like all crystallization is gone. My question is will this effect the flavor of the syrup?
  4. C


    Brewing one tomorrow with 7oz of hops. I figure I will just throw it in without hops bag and see what happens. Did one the other day with 3.5 without hops bag and worked well so we'll see. Lesson learned: if you have a very large grain bill don't forget to remove the top drain pipe before...
  5. C

    Belgian Dark Strong Ale Westvleteren 12 Clone - Multiple Award Winner

    I under pitched mine and this is why I had to re-pitch. I use a fermentation chamber so my temps are dead on. I new I was probably under pitching, but thought I would see what happens. WLP-530 ferments like crazy, but it can die off as it did in my case. I use a 1.25" hose out of 6.5 gal carboy...
  6. C

    Belgian Dark Strong Ale Westvleteren 12 Clone - Multiple Award Winner

    Decided to do the single malt version on CSI website. Started at 1.089. Followed term temps and got stuck at .020. After 10 days racked to secondary and used some yeast cake to make a new starter. Captured Krausen with a system I built after seeing CSI's design (thanks for posting your design...
  7. C


    I too have been throttling my mash, but after thinking about it I'll run next time wide open. I think this will allow more flow through entire system allowing for it to maintane temps easier. As someone said earlier you will still only have same flow through grain.
  8. C

    Grainfather water volumes

    Using U.S. I also loose about .5 to equipment/trub. I get 5.5 into fermenter. Not 5.5 in boil kettle after boil.
  9. C

    Grainfather water volumes

    Absorbed....dang auto correct.
  10. C

    Grainfather water volumes

    My mash water would be 6gal with 15 lb grain. This would give a sparge water calc of 1.9 gal. Final fermenter would be 5.5. You are not accounting for the water exorbed in your grain.
  11. C

    Grainfather water volumes

    I always shoot for 5.5 gal fermenter. For sparg water calc I use 6.4-mash water + (grain bill in lb x 0.1)= This gives me 5.5 in fermenter with 60 min boil.
  12. C

    Grainfather water volumes

    I also use the water and sparg calcs from GF and they are really close. First time I was off because I didn't realize their calcs were for 90 min boil and not 60, so I just reduce my sparge water by .6 gal and I'm spot on.
  13. C


    It was a simple explanation. Yes if you want to get technical your Amp can stay the with voltage increase in a resistive load which would increase you kW, thus giving you more power in your element.
  14. C


    I agree. Another thing people need to check is their voltage. Voltage in U.S. can run 100-120 volts depending on various things. Remember the higher you voltage the less amps your using. If your house and wiring is older or you are in a condo/apartment and you are sharing a feed your voltage...
  15. C


    Every electrical contractor I know runs 14g on 15a due to cost factor. There is a lot of cost savings when running whole houses between 14 and 12. If they ran 12 or 10g wire then they would just throw a bunch of 20a breakers in.
  16. C


    Will be brewing this recipe next weekend in the GF. I have to wait until the fermentation chamber is empty inorder to control temps. I hate to tie the chamber up for this long but I have a lot of beer in carboys. In my older age I produce more beer than I/friends drink now... Guess there could...
  17. C


    +1 on number 4
  18. C


    I use the factory setting on my barley crusher and have always gotten around 85% efficiency, higher with GF. I found years ago that grain size didn't effect my efficiency as much as Mash temp and Ph. Use correct temp and water Ph and you will achieve good efficiency.
  19. C


    I didn't catch the "app" part before. No I didn't use the app. I used the GF calculator on their website. It's just an easy way to do the math after a few.:drunk
  20. C


    I have a single wrap. I had a role laying around and figured it couldn't hurt.