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  1. K

    Chest Freezer Into Fermentor Question

    Hey yall quick question. I'm building up my stuff to get back into brewing. I'm going to use and old freezer with dual controller for my fermentor. What do yall use as a heater in this scenario?
  2. K

    Perfecting My Brewing 3 Months at a Time

    These are all good thoughts. Thanks! Right now I'm extract brewing but I wanted to get into all grain. Might be hard on the move but I like the challenge. And yes bumbling around the country is the right word. The wife and I are excited to try all the different beers across the country. Pretty...
  3. K

    Perfecting My Brewing 3 Months at a Time

    Smaller batchs and keg it. I really like that idea. Have to have a tank for the gas to right?
  4. K

    Perfecting My Brewing 3 Months at a Time

    That's something I was definitely considering. Our first destination is Phoenix and there is a lot of breweries out there.
  5. K

    So who's brewing this weekend?

    Goin to brew a cream ale. Got a kit from my local homebrew store. Its all DMT. So far I've only used LMT. I guess it'll be easier lol.
  6. K

    Worst Commercial Beer You've Ever Had?

    Now this is a hard question to answer cause I have this weird thing for shi*ty malt liquor. Worse "beer" I've ever had was a Four Loko Gold. Like bubblegum that had been shat out a goats ass. Worst beer though is hard to say. I'll drink anything.
  7. K

    Perfecting My Brewing 3 Months at a Time

    Hey yall! So life is pretty interesting. First you think you're goin one way then awww heck here we go somewhere else. The wife n me have decided to make some pretty big life changes. At the end of the summer she's goin to start travel nursing and I'm droppin out of school. Reasons are...
  8. K

    Water Questions

    Thanks for the info Max
  9. K

    Water Questions

    I'm brewing extract with specialty grains.
  10. K

    Water Questions

    Do I need to add minerals to the water or can I just use it straight?
  11. K

    Water Questions

    Is there any disadvantages of buying jugs of water from the store? I live in a tiny apartment and filling water jugs is a pain.
  12. K

    Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread

    Naw I'll still be here. I've been a Panthers fan for a long time. Super Bowl here we come.
  13. K

    Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread

    Well the Panthers won, the Cardinals lost, and the Packers are going to loose. This day is going perfect! Suck it haters!
  14. K

    How much do yall drink a day?

    So I drink bought a six pack a day or more. What bout yall? It's a tiny part of why I got into homebrew. Love beer but it gets expensive. Lol
  15. K

    Cellar Pictures

    Yall son-bits makin me jealous with your cellars and awesome beers. Hahah. My 'cellar' and 'collection' is a bottle of Highland Brewerys Cold Mountain sitting in my closet.
  16. K

    Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread

    Football trash talk? I got memes for days!
  17. K

    Burnt beer

    I did. It's an electric burner though. Probally should have removed it from the burner.
  18. K

    Burnt beer

    Smoked beer! I like your optimism! I might just mix it with some coffee. I forgot to mention it's stout.
  19. K

    Burnt beer

    Is there anyway to remove burnt flavors from beer? I just bottled my first batch ever of homebrewed beer, a stout. Tastes fine except it tastes rather burnt. It's an extract brew but I don't think it's the extract that's burnt. I stirred the devil out of it. The hops I put in stuck to the top...
  20. K

    NanoBrewery build

    A wonderful story with a sad end. It was fun while it lasted though i bet :/