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  1. T

    Do NOT do this to your SS aeration stone

    Thanks for the great tips. The directions on the package say to use acid if you feel it’s clogged. I believe that star San is a phosphoric acid but I wonder if the normal strength would be strong enough.
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    Do NOT do this to your SS aeration stone

    Yeah When it comes to the internet “trust but verify”.
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    Do NOT do this to your SS aeration stone

    I've had some problems with clogging of my 0.5 micron stainless steel aeration stone despite the fact that I cleaned and then dried it by running air from an aquarium pump through an online filter. (I use an O2 tank to aerate the wort). On the advice of a fairly reputable DIY site, I put my...
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    Aging beer: Facts, myths, and discussion

    Thanks. I did put a bottle in the fridge today and will give it a try tomorrow. Maybe I’ll try one a month and see how it progresses.
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    Aging beer: Facts, myths, and discussion

    I brewed my highest gravity beer so far about 7 months ago. It's a Belgian Tripel, OG 1.081, ABV 8.2%, bottled after 2 weeks in the primary and 2 weeks in the secondary. It took a LONG time for the beer to bottle carbonate-it's just now gotten acceptably carbonated. I used corn sugar recommended...
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    Molasses and sour taste

    I brewed a seasonal (Christmas) ale last December and was very disappointed in it. It had a distinctly sour taste that I originally attributed to a contamination in my equipment. Never was very happy with that explanation because the beers before and after were really good. I'm also careful...
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    Protein Rest with German Malts

    Interesting that you say this. The original recipe called for a double decoction mash. I've tried a single decoction before and ended up burning the mash. My inexperience of course, but I've been a little gun-shy since then.
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    Protein Rest with German Malts

    Thanks for all the great info. That opinions on this run the gamut from simple to fairly complex doesn't surprise me-it's what I've found from my reading on the forum. I did end up doing a protein rest on this batch, mostly because I had the hot water ready to go and needed to thin my mash a...
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    Protein Rest with German Malts

    Thanks That will simplify things a lot
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    Protein Rest with German Malts

    Should I do a protein rest for my Munich Dunkel (Base grains below)? I've read many of the posts on protein rests on this forum as well as a couple of articles. It seems to be the general consensus that this rest is only needed for less well modified grains. There does seem to be some...
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    Bastard Stepson Hard root beer

    Anybody had these problems with glass? I'm seriously thinking about skipping both the flavor packet and the sweetener and drinking it as a lightly hopped stout.
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    Bastard Stepson Hard root beer

    That's bizarre! No offense to the OP, but I have to wonder if there weren't other factors involved. With all the stuff that we put in these fermenters, it's hard to believe that a little root beer flavor extract could do that much damage. I'd hate to think what it does to your gut! Mine is glass.
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    Bastard Stepson Hard root beer

    Thanks for the replies. As I was reading them, how about increasing (doubling?) the root beer extract? I'm wondering if it would add sweetness and intensify the root beer character at the same time. I'm assuming it's non-fermentable.
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    Bastard Stepson Hard root beer

    I'm in the process of brewing the above kit from a on-line retailer. Most of the reviews on the site were positive but a few mentioned that the artificial sweetener to be added to the secondary imparts a diet soda (i.e. saccharin) flavor to the beer. I'd like to avoid this. What would be a good...
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    DME for yeast starter in mead

    Makes sense. Thanks for the link for the starter.
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    DME for yeast starter in mead

    Why do you prefer dry yeast? I've heard conflicting opinions so I'm curious. How large a starter do you make for a 5 gallon dry mead? My kit came with a 2 liter flask, so my max would be something less than that. Do you double the starter by decanting and adding more must? Thanks.
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    DME for yeast starter in mead

    I got some DME with a yeast starter kit. I was wondering if I should use the DME to brew the yeast starter (Wyeast 4021 Champagne liquid yeast). Or should I be a purist and use honey? I thought the DME might have more nutrients and get the yeast off to a better start. On the other hand, I don't...
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    Filtering Spring Water

    It will be gravity flow so rate shouldn't be a problem. One nice thing about spring water is I don't have to worry about chlorine or chloramines...just Giardia!:ban:
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    Filtering Spring Water

    Anybody use this? Sorry, couldn't figure out how to copy and paste the photo on the Midwest web site. It's a 10" cannister water filter and goes for $60.
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    Filtering Spring Water

    I have a seasonal spring in my back yard. It has some flow except when it's been really dry for a few weeks. I don't know the quality of the water as I've never had it tested, but it has a fair amount of particulates in it. It tastes good (I wasn't brave enough to swallow any!) so I'd like to...