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    Old malt extract

    Bulged can.
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    Old malt extract

    I have a can of mountmelick malt extract but I just noticed it expired 2013 seems a bit bubbled on the ends of the can. Is it still useable?
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    You know you're a home brewer when?

    When you buy beer at the store partly based on if you can reuse the bottle or not.
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    Beginner Apfelwein question

    I think judging by this its not quite done yet? Anyone better at reading these than I am..
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    Beginner Apfelwein question

    I put down a batch of edworts apfelwein on 8/16, followed the recipe except for possibly the dextrose, my lhbs only sold in 4 lb bags, got really close to the 2 lb mark. However as of today 9/19 i am still getting tiny bubbles coming up to the top of the carboy, nothing to make the airlock move...
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    Peach Brandy (wine) help

    about half my peaches went bad before I was able to try putting this together, so i split everything in half..we shall see how it turns out..
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    Jack's Apricot Vanilla Mead

    Just started a batch of this tonight, I look forward to trying this in a month or two after it has fully finished..
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    Peach Brandy (wine) help

    This sounds delicious, by 2 gal of peaches, peach mash or peach juice?
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    Where are you at INDIANA

    Just moved down to Fort Wayne.
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    I need a rootbeer recipe and a supplier

    Regarding the recipe, is there a reason to use both vanilla bean and vanilla extract? Or can you do without the extract?
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    Bottling EdWort's Apfelwein

    I am also new to this and have a question related to this, I keep reading about bottle bombs when bottle carbing, is this something I need to worry about when bottling apfelwein?
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    Making Traditional rice Wine. Cheap, Fun, and Different

    This may already have been answered in the many many pages of posts and I missed it, I see everyone using roughly the same jar with the twist lid, I have easy access to a few large pickle jars with lids..would those be suitable for use?
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    Bottling Apfelwein

    This may be a stupid question..but how can I be sure it is truly done fermenting? I dont want to bottle and have them blow.
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    Bottling Apfelwein

    Hi, I just started into brewing and decided to start with Edworts Apfelwein for my first attempt, when it is done in a month or perhaps a little longer, how do I go about bottling the apfelwein?