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  1. maurtis

    Video Games

    Did not play Borderlands 1, freaking LOVED playing 2 with my son, and we have not gotten into the Pre-Sequel yet but will some day. Definitely looking forward to another installment. BL2 was so much fun to play and hilarious. Tiny Tina, she hit me right in the feels in her DLC. Playing...
  2. maurtis

    Video Games

    Nice, we were playing last night (on my commando and his assassin) and I was finding it very handy to drop a turret with a shield on top of his crawling near-corpse to revive him. Often... ;) I usually play female casters/healers in MMOs, so will give the Siren a go. Mine is only level...
  3. maurtis

    Video Games

    LOL, same here. Loved Saint's Row 3 and 4 and picked up GOH for free on the PS4 last month. Tons of fun. I had not had any interest in Borderlands 2 until my son wanted to play co-op with me then I got sucked in. I have to stay off my Gaige since that is who I play along with my son as and...
  4. maurtis

    Video Games

    I took a few years off at the end of Wrath and came back last summer since my son said he wanted to play WoW with me. He only played for about a month, I got sucked in for about 6, LOL. I ended up calling it quits again in January and have been clean since. We did catch the movie :) When I...
  5. maurtis

    Video Games

    Nice. I loved The Witcher 3, then last week started reading the books. After blowing through The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny I figured it would be fun to play through the first two games... Absolutely hated the combat and interface for the first one but the biggest turn off was...
  6. maurtis

    Belgian Blond Ale SWMBO Slayer - Belgian Blonde

    I would just let 'er rip. I really need to make another batch, this was such a great beer. Nice and light, really excellent.
  7. maurtis

    Belgian Golden Strong Ale Belgian Brother Golden Strong

    Wow that is a lot of homebrew :) Thanks for the ray of hope.
  8. maurtis

    Belgian Golden Strong Ale Belgian Brother Golden Strong

    Ah, I see... DMS. According to an article on Beersmith's site: "The half-life for DMS is 40 minutes, so half of the DMS will be boiled off in a 40 minute vigorous boil. So if we do the math, a 60 minute boil gets rid of 64.7% of the DMS and a 90 minute boil rids us of 79% of the DMS. That is...
  9. maurtis

    Belgian Golden Strong Ale Belgian Brother Golden Strong

    Brewed up this one over the weekend, but was not paying attention and just did a 60 minute boil. Since hop schedule in the recipe works for a 60 minute boil, what would that affect other than possibly clarity? I hit my OG number at 1.063, but that is probably because I tend to throw in some...
  10. maurtis

    Why do you hate brewing?

    For me, bottling. I need a better bottling setup with a nice deep sink, abundant counterspace, and a floor/counter capper. Hopefully in the new house. Right now, after oxycleaning the bottles I rinse, StarSan, and fill them in the bathtub (in case there are any spills) with my fermenter...
  11. maurtis

    Any fans of the SciFi series "FireFly"?

    I love Firefly so much, it was absurdly awesome. At the time I was living in LA. Since our dotcom just closed its doors, I was scrounging for work as a temp and an extra on TV shows to make rent. Being a huge Buffy/Angel nerd, when I saw the call for extras for a Joss Whedon scifi/western...
  12. maurtis

    Autumn Seasonal Beer Thunderstruck Pumpkin Ale (AG and Extract versions)

    Thanks for the tip. My LHBS was out of WLP-002 so I used S-04, fermenting at 64 degrees. I wish I either had a larger fermentation chamber or an additional one, but my current one can only fit one 5 gallon batch at a time. I would love to be able to do two batches at once to get some more...
  13. maurtis

    Autumn Seasonal Beer Thunderstruck Pumpkin Ale (AG and Extract versions)

    Going to BIAB brew this one this weekend. What would be a good water chemistry profile? I use the Bru'n Water spreadsheet to get my numbers. And what is a good temp to ferment at if using WLP002 as stated in the original recipe? I see on the Whitelabs website it is listed as optimal from...
  14. maurtis

    Witbier Citrus - Peach Witbier

    This recipe looked great for some peaches that came from a friend's backyard. Going into the secondary today once the peaches thaw (froze them two months ago while thinking about what to do with them).
  15. maurtis

    Belgian Blond Ale SWMBO Slayer - Belgian Blonde

    We really screwed up our December batch... Used RO water with no salts added, left it on the trub about a month extra before adding the blackberry juice (got busy and forgot about it), fermented in my closet around 72 degrees. It was a bandaid tasting mess. I gave them all to my...
  16. maurtis

    Temperature Control

    I built a fermentation chamber using a $25 Craigslist 8 gallon chest freezer and a $15 STC-1000 temp controller, with a small space heater inside for a heat source. Very easy to do. There are tons of videos online on how to wire the STC-1000, the one in maffewl's sig looks to be a good one...
  17. maurtis

    I want to make wine from Mountain Dew Throwback

    Wow, I am shocked... this stuff is actually good! I may have to whip up a 6 gallon batch next time. It is definitely mellowing out over the weeks since bottling. Very slight carbonation, so I think the yeast might just be done. I figure about another month in the bottles and it will be...
  18. maurtis

    Muddy Creek Brewing Co. Brewery Build- Start to Finish Thread

    Huge congratulations! I can only dream of having the guts you do to take on such an endeavor. The place looks amazing, I wish you and your crew all the best.
  19. maurtis

    Video Games

    That is the best part! He is usually somewhere in his underwear...
  20. maurtis

    Video Games

    I enjoyed GTA V a lot more than I though I would, it was really good. I played GTA 3, Vice City, and SA, skipped GTA 4, but "got GTA V for my son" on the PS4 :rockin: I thought I would hate playing Trevor, but he ended up being a LOT of fun. Diablo 3... I really need to break it out again...