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  1. B

    By the way, as a warning to you other HBTers, @jimyson is a formidable opponent.
  2. B

    What are you drinking now?

    Mmm all day.
  3. B

    Haha yeah it's a common weakness. I nearly missed your threat cause I was plotting my own attack.
  4. B

    TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! Airlock about to blow, I don't have a blowoff tube!!

    I'll be the contrarian and take the position you did exactly as you should have in creating the starter. Despite the blow off I think you'll have a far better beer than if you had just pitched a single snack pack into 1.070+ wort and gotten an anemic ferment as a result. The only mistake you...
  5. B

    ...and was one move away from checkmating me in the last one as well.
  6. B

    Lol. In truth I don't think the ratings are very reliable an indication of one's skill. I think I am probably a 1250 to 1300 player in real life. I am getting schooled by a 1350 ranked player right now. @GoeHaarden played well for not having played a while....that first game...
  7. B

    I have a account and play on occasion. I probably fall squarely in the range of mediocrity. Like passed pawn I favor slow and deliberate play.
  8. B

    Cheap DIY Option for a Motorized Grain Mill

    If you look at the first picture there are two screws on the motor/gearbox that are used to affix the motor/gearbox to the toy vehicle. I screwed the metal plate to the gearbox using those two screws (one screw went into an existing hole on my metal plate, but I had to drill a new hole for the...
  9. B

    Cheap DIY Option for a Motorized Grain Mill

    Interesting. It never occurred to me to mill them separately, but you do have a point. I guess I never noticed enough of a hit to my efficiency to think of it. I may give that a try. Thanks.
  10. B

    Cheap DIY Option for a Motorized Grain Mill

    IIRC It was no more than an amp above the continuous draw.
  11. B

    Cheap DIY Option for a Motorized Grain Mill

    So upon further testing I think you are right. Based on what I had read online, I initially thought the amperage draw would be too high to match it to a wall wort. It now appears they may have been listing amperage draw for motors in series, or at their stall point, or something along those...
  12. B

    Cheap DIY Option for a Motorized Grain Mill

    I agree. I was surprised as well. Especially when you compare it to most setups with a 5-10 lb electric motor. It really does have a lot of power for its size. I couldn't believe how small the motor was when I opened up the back of the toy car. I also figured it would hold up to a 5 - 10...
  13. B

    Cheap DIY Option for a Motorized Grain Mill

    You're exactly right! I should have done a bit more testing before posting the article. The motor draws about 3.5 amps on a typical grind.
  14. B

    Cheap DIY Option for a Motorized Grain Mill

    I ran some more grain through it last night while hooked up to my multimeter. Without any load it runs at about 1.7-2.0 amps. While grinding basic 2 row it pulled about 3.5 amps. I put 100% wheat in it to give it a real exercise and it pulled about 5 to 5.5 amps. My gap setting is around...
  15. B

    Cheap DIY Option for a Motorized Grain Mill

    It really does work surprisingly well, just dump some grain in it every few minutes. Good luck. Prost.
  16. B

    Cheap DIY Option for a Motorized Grain Mill

    That would be great if that's the case. You're right, power supplies in that range are easy to find. I really need to measure the amount of current it pulls on my next grind. I'll report back when I do.
  17. B

    Cheap DIY Option for a Motorized Grain Mill

    I just ran some grain through and timed it. It went through a pound in 30 seconds. Accordingly, 12 lbs would take 6 minutes. I bet someone could figure out how to power it via an outlet, I just think the amperage requirements might make sourcing a power supply a bit more difficult. I may try...
  18. B

    Yeast starters are mind boggling. Please help a dude!

    I agree with this. In fact, what I have taken to doing, with limited flask space available, is to set aside most of the slurry from the first step, then create a new starter with the little bit of slurry remaining. In other words, make a 2L starter from your smack-pack to get optimal growth...
  19. B

    Brewing with Bread

    Look up kvass
  20. B

    Ready to start kegging!

    +3 for keg connection