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  1. B

    No carbonation after 12 days...problem?

    Thanks all! Really appreciate the feedback.
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    No carbonation after 12 days...problem?

    So, my bottles were sitting in basement at about 63 degrees. Could this simply be the culprit? Would getting them in warmer room still help at this point?
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    No carbonation after 12 days...problem?

    Not a dumb question at all. In fact, I had to think real hard to remember if I did add priming sugar. I did. Maybe it's the temp? I can bring upstairs and bring temp up for a bit?
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    No carbonation after 12 days...problem?

    My third batch ever, a pumpkin ale (extract), was bottled 12 days ago. I cracked open a bottle today and there was absolutely NO carbonation. My first two beers, I tried one at about 12 days and, while not fully carb'd, they were at least partially carb'd. Any thoughts or insight?
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    My Brewing Experience Thus Far...Perhaps a Help To Any Other New Brewers

    This is all GREAT banter! I agree with everyone here and appreciate that you like the post. I, too, am not all that concerned with replicating or cloning beers. That being said, I do like what I like and want to use that as a guide to create, in my mind, something better! I also agree...
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    My Brewing Experience Thus Far...Perhaps a Help To Any Other New Brewers

    First, a few items to note: 1. I am currently an extract brewer and have three brews under my belt. The first was a Pale Ale, the second was a Citra IPA and the third was a Pumpkin Ale that I just bottled yesterday. 2. For my first two recipes, I went with recipes from my LHBS, though I...
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    Adding Spices: Secondary or Bottling Bucket?

    So, here's what I decided to do.... Made a tea with another 1/2 tsp each of nutmeg, allspice and cinnamon...mixed with a cup and half of water. Brought to boil, cooled, added to secondary and racked on top of that. Will taste prior to bottling and can always add more. I will let you know how...
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    Adding Spices: Secondary or Bottling Bucket?

    Hoppy Friday, everyone... So, I am about to rack my first extract pumpkin ale this weekend. I tasted the sample today and, while decent and the perfect orange-ish color I was going for, I think I would like to add more spice. I really want to know this is a Pumpkin Ale when I drink it...
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    Pumpkin Ale Trub = Hard to Get Gravity Reading!

    No, but can grab one if that's easiest. Was just wondering if it would be safe to just rack at 14 days, knowing all signs of fermentation have long gone?
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    Pumpkin Ale Trub = Hard to Get Gravity Reading!

    My third brew is a pumpkin ale. Brew day went great, fermentation was hard and heavy for about 48-72 hours. It has now been 11 days and krausen completely dropped a few days ago. I want to take reading but, as you all know, when making a pumpkin ale you are left with about 4 inches of Trub...
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    Pumpkin Ale vs Winter/Christmas Ale

    Hi all.... So, I just put my pumpkin ale into fermenter and am starting to think about a winter ale. Here's my seems as though most recipes I've seen share almost the same exact spice bill...a little cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, allspice and/or clove. What would be the big...
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    Boil Volume v Batch Size

    I know that there are a few posts re this, but just want to be sure I have it correct. I'm an extract brewer... If I put 3 gallons of water into my 5 gallon pot, my boil volume is 3 gallons, correct? If I add wort to fermenter and then top off to 5 gallons, my batch size is 5 gallons...
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    Original Gravity Higher Than Expected: Danger??

    Yeah that's about the reading I was expecting. Thanks for running those numbers! Woke up this am to a nicely fermenting brew so hope all is well. Fingers crossed, of course.
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    Original Gravity Higher Than Expected: Danger??

    I guess my follow up is this: if I planned on a 1.059 OG, and this only had 1pkg of 1056, will I have too little yeast if it came in at 1.074? Package says really only meant for 1.060 and below. Should I have used more? If so, what can be done now (if anything...)? Thanks!
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    Original Gravity Higher Than Expected: Danger??

    I've never done a blow off. Just my third brew. I have a 6.5 gallon bucket with 5 gallons of wort in there.
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    Hail the auto siphon! (and some questions)

    Hey yypjpv....what recipe did you use? Looking to brew an extract Xmas Spice Ale....just curious!!
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    Original Gravity Higher Than Expected: Danger??

    Hi all, I'm brewing my first pumpkin ale (3rd brew overall). I created a recipe (I'm an extract brewer) with input from a few great recipes on here at HBT. After running it through Brewsmith (a dozen times or so), I came up with a recipe that ended up with an estimated OG of 1.059. While I...
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    Autumn Seasonal Beer Imperial Pumpkin Pie Ale

    Teachtim....because this is a pretty big beer, did you use a blow off tube on your primary?? I haven't done one before but perhaps this is the time to rig it up?
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    Pumpkin Ale Recipe - Feedback Appreciated!

    Ended up going with 6.6 lbs Golden Light LME. Wanted a lighter, or orange-ier color. Kept the biscuit malt but omitted special roast. Any thoughts about me adding any DME on top of the 6.6 lbs of LME? Maybe a pound of dry amber or something? Would that come out ok? Add some ABV?