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  1. B

    Not impressed with my immersion chiller...

    You can add salt to it to lower the freezing temperature of the water. Need a fair amount to get a saturated solution, but it will drop the freezing temp by 10 degrees or so
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    Had the basement finished recently and wanted to do something interesting for a door leading into the area below the laundry room. It was supposed to be a storage room, but the kids have claimed it as their secret play area. I decided to see if I could build a secret bookshelf door. I don't have...
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    The Walking dead

    Set up for some deaths pretty soon. Abe or sasha? Or perhaps his girlfriend, since losing the necklace looked symbolic. At least they picked up the walking dead equivalent of a star trek red shirt (hostage guy's brother that we don't care about) to kill off violently.
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    Bottling with the Fastferment

    You want to dissolve in water and heat to kill off anything that could potentially infect your beer. Cool and mix with beer. When I bottled, I would add the sugar solution to a bottling bucket and rack the beer onto it since you don't want all that yeast in your bottles. If the fast ferment lets...
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    A Question of Units

    It's actually a dimensionless number. I'm working metric here. Assuming a turd weight of 200g, or 0.2kg. One tonne contains 5000 turds. So 5000.
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    Best News Headlines
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    Why rack lager at 70% attenuation?

    Do you rack into the serving keg (when kegging) or into an intermediate carboy / keg ?
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    A question about air sanitation

    Even if you filter the air, will you then start wearing a tyvek suit to eliminate you / your clothes as a source of contamination. Wild yeast is not an issue if you use proper sanitizing techniques and don't leave fermentors open.
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    What the heck fun facts.

    Color doesn't exist. What we perceive as red and green is due to our brains assigning that color to a particular wavelength of light.
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    What the heck fun facts.

    A day on Venus is longer than its year. It takes longer to spin on its own axis (243 earth days) than to orbit the sun (224.7 earth days). Is this a fun fact? It is to me.
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    Prime dose

    Looks like a gelatin capsule. Should eventually dissolve
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    Proper scaling of recipes

    Simple answer: if you want 20% more in the fermentor, you need to increase all ingredients by 20%. Steeping grain, hops etc. When bottling, scale the priming sugar for the actual volume you will be bottling, or you may overdo it.
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    Funny things you've overheard about beer

    I think prohibition also played a part here. before it, there were many breweries, but only the larger ones lasted through prohibition by selling malt to the food industry. The few that were left went for as much market share as possible by making beer more universally appealing, ie the...
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    I've done the autocorrect on a pc before. It's especially funny when you set word to change their name to something like "diapers." Best part is it worked on email. Another simple one was popping out and switching the m and n on a guy's keyboard. He got locked out since his password used one of...
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    What strange thing have you carbonated?

    Won't this separate the milk? Dissolving carbon dioxide gives you carbonic acid. It will be like adding lemon juice or vinegar to milk. Suppose you could make cheese though. I'm interested to hear what happens.
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    Keezer to end all Keezers (in my house) build

    I am planning on building one just like this. Looks fantastic.
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    Name a movie that best describes your last fart:

    Aliens Hellraiser Gremlins Silence of the lambs Thunderball The longest yard
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    IPA clarity issues...

    some other random guesses here: Does it taste yeasty? pH, salts, oils, temperature and many other factors can affect how yeast flocculate. Given that other beers don't experience this, only dry hopped ones, I wonder if the hop oils change how the yeast flocculate and sediment. This would be...
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    DIY Stainless Steel Fermenters

    Do you boil in the same kettle? Then put the tubing on after cooling? If that's not a multipurpose setup, I don't know what is.