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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. K

    Online gamers?

    I used to be a WOW addict.But after I moved into the house I built, away from most civilization, the only internet I can get is satellite. Its sucks for online gaming. So I no longer play it.
  2. K

    Today in History: First Canned beer

    January 24, 1935 the first canned beer goes on sale.
  3. K

    What you doing for New Years Eve?

    I'll be getting out of work around 9:00 and heading home to brew a New Years Eve IPA! I will be consuming another fine IPA I have on tap while doing this of course. A couple friends will be over as well.
  4. K

    3 Minutes @ 30PSI & Shake like mad!

    If I ever use this method I will make sure the beer has been in the fridge long enough to be chilled through. Have the pressure at around 25 to 30 psi. Then I will shake it for 100 seconds, then wait at least 4 hours then drink.
  5. K

    Chocolate Stout Recipes

    This is not a chocolate stout, but it turned out very nice. 10.00 lb Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM) 80.0 % 1.00 lb Barley, Flaked (1.7 SRM) 8.0 % 1.00 lb Roasted Barley (300.0 SRM) 8.0 % 0.25 lb Black (Patent) Malt (500.0 SRM) 2.0 % 0.25 lb Chocolate Malt (350.0 SRM) 2.0 %...
  6. K

    Report: The Oaken Barrel, Indianapolis

    I go to the Formula 1 race up there every year, and we always go to The Oaken Barrel every night we are there. Usually Thurs, Fri, and Sat. nights. In fact we have started staying in a hotel that is very close to the Oaken Barrel so we don't have to worry about driving. I don't mind a bit of a...
  7. K

    Hop Stopper Question

    Hey everyone, I am hoping to get a 60 qt pot for Christmas, or shortly thereafter. I brew mostly IPA's and am looking at getting a hop stopper. I am not worried at how well it will work, but I am concerned about the cleaning of it. There has to be some little bits that get through the mesh...
  8. K

    Oak Chips in Secondary

    I brewed a stout yesterday, and I plan on using oak chips in the secondary. It will be my first time to use them. It's a 5.5 gallon batch. About how many should I use? Also should I keep them in for the whole two week time period? Thanks, Kevin
  9. K

    Londoners, please read

    Just get "The Good Beer Guide", and let this book plan your whole trip. Can't go wrong.
  10. K

    Looking for a place to buy grains

    AlaBrew is the shop I use to get grain now. I just send them an email of what I want and they crush it up for me. I just recently ordered hops from Direct Hops. I love that place. Saves me lots of money because I brew IPA's most of the time. I brew at least once a week most of the time. There's...
  11. K

    Looking for a place to buy grains

    Hey everyone, I am looking into buying my grains in 50 lb. bags, and crush it myself to save money. I live near Birmingham, Al. and was wondering if there is a place within driving distance that sells grain to individuals? Within a two - three hour drive would be great, and save on shipping...
  12. K

    Great British Beer Festival

    I tried to move my flight up a week so I could attend the 32nd Kent Beer Festival in Canterbury. The airline woulnd't do it for me though. I have a few friends that live there and it would have been very convenient for a short "walk" back to their place after it ended.
  13. K

    Great British Beer Festival

    I will be going to England next week to see my family, and will be attending this. Anyone else going? Should be a great time. Be well, Kevin
  14. K

    Batch size...

    I do 5.5 gallon batches most of the time. About one brew a week. Then for holidays and other times when I know there will be lots of people over I do 11 gallon batches. We have a long line of good beer drinkers in my family.
  15. K

    ACChhkk. . f'd up homebrew

    Well it sounds like your new homebrew sculpture is more of a pain then anything. I think you should go back to your old set up and immediately ship your homebrew sculpture over to me, where I will "disassemble" and "dispose" of it for you. You will never have to worry about it again. ;)
  16. K

    10 Gallon brew- a couple questions

    Hey everyone, I will be doing my first 10 gallon brew this week and have a couple of questions. (This is all grain too.) 1. For the recipe, can I just double a 5 gallon recipe? 2. I use White Labs yeast and make starters for every batch. Will one vial in a starter be enough for the larger...
  17. K

    Marking outside of carboy

    Thanks for the ideas everyone. Kevin
  18. K

    Marking outside of carboy

    On my carboys I like to mark the outside of them where the 1 gallon, 2 gallon, 3 gall... and so on are located. Everything I have tried comes off after a couple of washes. Then I end up forgetting to remark them before they disappear, and I have to start over again. Do any of you have something...
  19. K

    Good day

    Hey everyone, I have made a couple of posts before. Just wanted to say hello, and I think this site is very good with tons of great info. Have a good night. Kevin
  20. K

    BeerSmith question

    Good day everyone. I was wondering if you can have BeerSmith on more than one computer, at home and work. When I'm sitting around bored at work I would like to be able to work with it, and then save and take it home. Thanks, Kevin