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  1. Lazersgopewpew

    Looking for refreshing springtime beer recipe ideas

    Nothing says Spring to me like a Belgian Wit. I made one last year with Orange blossom water that was pretty good. No recipe for you though. The one I made was a basic extract base for a wit beer so I'm looking for a good all grain recipe myself to try it out again.
  2. Lazersgopewpew

    Cardamom-Lemon Wit beer

    I've made a cardamom beer. Some of the only advice I can give you is: Don't use 14 pods in a 6 gallon batch. For citrus notes, try grapefruit zest in the secondary. That's what I did anyways. I found the lemon in the secondary came out too...sweet? Didn't have the citrus zing I was looking for...
  3. Lazersgopewpew

    Fresh Fig Wine

    Thought I'd share some pictures of the Fig Wine I just bottled. I followed this recipe for the most part 2 Gallons 8 lbs Fresh Common Green Figs (I have a lot of trees) 3.5 lbs Sugar 2 tsp Acid Blend 2 tsp Yeast Nutrient 2 tsp Pectic...
  4. Lazersgopewpew

    How often does this work???

    True enough but as I understand it, yeast is a jealous microorganism, and many fungi are known to have antimicrobial properties. On a side note, I wonder what the alcohol tolerance of lactobacillus is.
  5. Lazersgopewpew

    How often does this work???

    Hey everyone. I just brewed an Oktoberfest style ale a few weeks ago. Incredibly vigorous fermentation that lasted a week. And the taste post ferm, delicious. Anyways, I opened it up after letting it sit a week, and lo and behold, I had an infection...lactobacillius by the look and smell...
  6. Lazersgopewpew

    New to wine making-Fig Wine help needed

    What did you stabilize with though?
  7. Lazersgopewpew

    New to wine making-Fig Wine help needed

    Hey everyone, So I'm new to wine making, (Have a few Beers under my belt tho) and I decided to try my hand at a Fig Wine since I have so many on hand this time of year. I currently have the ingredients sitting in a brew bucket and have recently added the campden tablets. Ingredients are...
  8. Lazersgopewpew

    Fig beer ??

    I have several fig trees that are usually brimming with fruit come august. I was planning on making an Amber Wheat/weizen with them next month but I've never made an amber before so I'm a little stuck on what to use grain-wise. I do know I will probably be carmelizing them with some (maybe 0.5...
  9. Lazersgopewpew

    New Belgium Somersault clone...well kinda.

    Not close at all haha. I decided to go in a different directions with this one. As a side note, I think New Belgium lies on their website lol. There's no way a beer can be that crisp and have oats in it.
  10. Lazersgopewpew

    Fig American Amber Weizen..need some help

    So I added about 12 oz of Maris Otter to the recipe, but I just remembered I forgot to add the Brown Sugar I would be using to caramelize the Figs (and not to mention the sugar the figs would provide) Which would put me at over 6% ABV. Quite High for a Wheat beer isn't it? -on a side note, does...
  11. Lazersgopewpew

    Fig American Amber Weizen..need some help

    Hey everyone, So I need some help with a recipe, and I'd greatly appreciate some input. I have several fig tree at my house which usually yield a bumper crop late summer and I wanted to use some in a brew this year. From what I've read everyone seems to think they'd go well in a Dubbel but...
  12. Lazersgopewpew

    Rose water

    I brewed a wit with orange blossom water a few months back. I added about 14 tbsp to a roughly 5 gallon batch during bottling. The taste/aroma mellows out during the bottle conditioning process making it quite nice though if I ever do it again I'll probably add one less tbsp. As a side note...
  13. Lazersgopewpew

    German Wheat Malt

    I may be wrong, but I believe the darker variety might be also known as Red wheat malt. At least that's what the guy running my LHBS seemed to imply.
  14. Lazersgopewpew

    Tropical Fruit Beer Recipe Idea

    Might want to be careful with the citrus, from what I understand it does weird things to head retention. If you really want that Citrus taste though (lemon, orange etc), I recommend dry hopping with the zest of the desired fruit (be careful not to include the pith, trust me on that one.) Oh...
  15. Lazersgopewpew

    Tropical Fruit Beer Recipe Idea

    I've personally never used pineapple in a beer, but I've had a pineapple beer before, Maui Brewing Companys Mana Wheat. To be honest, the pineapple flavor comes off really strong so I'd say be careful. Also, Citra hops have a tropical nature to them so you might want to consider those. If...
  16. Lazersgopewpew

    Getting that Apricot taste, Could REALY use some help

    That was my original plan, but I saw several posts on the forum warning against them because of the Sulfur Dioxide. Did you experience any kind of stalling in your secondary fermentation? Oh and Btw I took a sample from the fermeter yesterday and there was a hint of apricot flavor there, so I'm...
  17. Lazersgopewpew

    Getting that Apricot taste, Could REALY use some help

    Is that time in the secondary or post bottling?
  18. Lazersgopewpew

    Getting that Apricot taste, Could REALY use some help

    Hey everyone, I'm in the middle of brewing a Ginger/Apricot Blonde Ale And I think I'm having some trouble getting that apricot taste. I'm a fan of using fresh ingredients but couldn't get my hands on some good (sweet) fresh apricots. Instead I used canned apricots. After Primary...
  19. Lazersgopewpew

    Lemon Cardamom Wheat...something's missing...

    Just in case anyone was wondering, this turned out kinda interesting. The beer has a strong cinnamon aroma (from the tea blend I believe). For the first few weeks, the beer had a strong taste of cardamom and a dry citrus taste (from dry hopping with grapefruit). Interesting enough the...
  20. Lazersgopewpew

    Anyone used cardamom in a brew yet?

    If you'll notice, the majority of the posts on this forum involving cardamom also usually contain the words "too much" lol. Take it from someone who knows, a little goes a long way.