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  1. Leezer

    Sunday Morning

    Off to church this chilly morning , then zoom call with dear friend in SC. Will watch the Bills and Pats game, but as a Pats fan not too hopeful lol. Probably clean a kicked Dry Irish Stout keg to be ready for kegging a chocolate stout next weekend.
  2. Leezer

    Games for game night? All adults, no kids

    Left Right Center is fun, esp when eating and drinking. Doesn’t require a lot of concentration, no big learning curve. Can accommodate various amounts of players.
  3. Leezer

    Help Czech Dark Lager Recipe

    @Barão sorry for the delay, was swamped at work. My recipe was: 65% Pilsen 11% Victory 11% Caramunich 8% Pale chocolate 5% Blackprinz I used Wyeast 2124 for the yeast. For hops recipe called for Saaz but I had some Lubelski on hand so I used that. Came out really nice.
  4. Leezer

    Help Czech Dark Lager Recipe

    Be happy to, will look for it at home.
  5. Leezer

    Help Czech Dark Lager Recipe

    I’ve made Josh Weikert’s recipe from his Brew Your Best series, found online. One of my most favorite beers I’ve made.
  6. Leezer

    What are you drinking now?

    I’m not good at posting photos, but enjoying a delicious strawberry rhubarb cider made at a local cidery which overlooks pretty Quabbin Resevoir. The proprietor is a charming lady, 97 years young!
  7. Leezer

    Switching to a smaller batch size?

    I do stovetop biab and the grain bills for 2.5G batches fit comfortably in my kettle. I sometimes do 3G with certain grain bills that will fit. So for me I guess kettle size is the main factor. Also that’s a good size for drinking since it’s mostly me drinking it. I do sometimes bottle from the...
  8. Leezer

    Hop Plant Help

    I’ve cut mine back as late as May 18 and been okay, although that’s not ideal timing I’ll admit. You may find adding some nutrients/fertilizer to the soil will give them a boost.
  9. Leezer

    Gardening 2024 - Whatcha got going on this year?

    @Kickass your garden is beautiful!
  10. Leezer

    Best line from a song

    Always loved Gordon Lightfoot. Another favorite from “Rainy Day People” - Rainy day people don’t talk, they just listen till they’ve heard it all.
  11. Leezer

    New brewer here

    Welcome! It’s a fun and interesting hobby, and I’m sure you’ll find a lot of helpful people and info here. Enjoy!
  12. Leezer

    What are you drinking now?

    French martini in a lovely pewter martini goblet I got as a Christmas gift. May have to look into the beer pint mugs too.
  13. Leezer

    Random Picture Thread

    @balrog I saw that too on my way home, parked in a field. Wondered why it was there.
  14. Leezer

    Good Site for Mail Order DME Recipe Kits?

    I ordered from Craft A Brew in the past and was very happy with them. I used the 1G ones when first starting out, but they also sell 5G recipe kits.
  15. Leezer

    Oatmeal Stout Yooper's Oatmeal Stout

    I’m planning to brew it too, next week. Have the ingredients, just need the time, lol. Trying it with S04 for the first time.
  16. Leezer

    1 Gal fermenters?

    I have a couple little BMBs, glass. They are a little more than one gallon in size and so provide enough headspace for my one gallon batches. I love the wide opening, makes cleaning easy. Mine don’t have a spigot so I use a mini auto siphon. Overall very happy with them.
  17. Leezer

    Covid affecting beer flavor

    I had it a year and a half ago, mild case. Lost my sense of taste/smell and it came back but some things still don’t taste right, hoppy beers being one of them. Just get an unpleasant bitterness that overpowers other flavors. Other things have a weird floral taste now, like some red wines...
  18. Leezer

    How does my creamy pumpkin ale recipe look?

    +1 to toasting the pumpkin in the oven first and adding to the mash. Also highly recommend adding rice hulls to the grain bill if doing biab. I used them the first time I made my pumpkin ale and things went well. Decided to skip them the next time and the bag was totally clogged and wouldn’t...
  19. Leezer

    I've been invited to do a pro/am brew. I'm stoked!

    That’s so cool, congratulations! I brewed a Grodziskie a couple years back as an homage to my Polish heritage. Been wanting to make one again. Enjoy your experience of being part of brewing it at a brewery.
  20. Leezer

    28 cones, give or take

    Well that’s a bummer. It has been a strange growing season overall. Mine grew a lot but all the cones turned brown quickly, and they did not seem to be ready yet based on past years. Not sure what happened.