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  1. ducati

    Adding Yeast to Korny Keg for Natural Carbonation

    4.27 oz. seems in the ballpark for 5 gallons. It's strange that, for practical purposes, 2.14 oz. is one-half. Possible that 2.5 gallons batch size was entered by mistake? I agree with @mac_1103, nothing wrong with under carbonating and finishing with bottled CO2.
  2. ducati

    English Ales - What's your favorite recipe?

    From Profile The Korsta hop traces its origins to the village of "Korsta", located near Sundsvall. In this village, the hop was discovered growing adjacent to a site that was marked as a hop farm on a parcel map dating back to 1769. This discovery not only highlights the...
  3. ducati


    Just based on my personal experience, I wouldn't be worried about infection in this batch. Allegedly, bacteria doesn't grow in CO2. Guessing the tubing and fittings need cleaned well to protect future batches. Tubing is relatively cheap, consider replacing just to be safe if there is any...
  4. ducati

    Replacement Thermistor Brewzilla 3.1.1 I think this is the probe you need. Buyers have a reasonable expectation for access to parts on equipment purchased. You might send Kegland an email at [email protected] and ask for the specifications...
  5. ducati

    Replacement Thermistor Brewzilla 3.1.1

    Full disclosure, I have Kegland products, but do not have a Brewzilla. Their Australian website does offer a replacement, but not stocked in the USA. Possibly your distributor can include one for you on their next shipment? If replacing "plug and play" means you are keeping the existing...
  6. ducati

    Is Vienna malt an acceptable replacement for victory malt?

    Yes, I find it very easy, especially for lighter colored malts like victory. All you need is a cookie sheet and a standard oven. Don't forget to store the toasted grain for about 2 weeks. It has a harsh flavor, which goes away during this storage period. More details are available in Randy...
  7. ducati

    Blichmann website down?

    Not working for me right now either.
  8. ducati

    Amber Malt vs Brown Malt

    Personally, I don't think Amber malt is a good sub for brown malt. It might make a great beer, but not the same. I believe it is more biscuit forward than roast. I've used Breiss Special Roast as a sub for brown in my Porter before, and it was kinda close. Personal preference maybe, but I was...
  9. ducati

    First Gold - sources, U.S.?

    I just checked "". They have UK grown First Gold Prima Donna in stock. Harvest year isn't listed.
  10. ducati

    Non-Ideal American Wheat Yeast Choice Question Howdy Cowboy! This link has some good info. Evidently, WB-06 is diastaticus, so will finish dryer and be more "Belgiumy." Is that a word? If that is what you are after.
  11. ducati

    trying my first "open" fermentation

    Just curious, what temperature were you fermenting? And what banana character are you trying to achieve?
  12. ducati

    What is your favorite yeast for a British Brown Ale

    The following thread has a wealth of info.
  13. ducati

    Hefeweizen help

    I was hoping someone would answer your yeast question. Its a very good question. I only brew 5-5.5 gal batches, and 1 pure pitch is good for that volume. As a side comment, I've tried most of the dry alternatives for this style, and found none of them acceptable. Again, for my personal taste for...
  14. ducati

    Hefeweizen help

    This is an interesting read.
  15. ducati

    Hefeweizen help

    This article has some interesting info.
  16. ducati

    Hefeweizen help

    Rice hulls weren't mentioned, but with that much wheat this is something you might want to consider. I had one stuck mash, and it was with a grain bill similar to this. Once you experience one, you don't want to do that again. What fermentation temperature are you planning?
  17. ducati

    Spunding valve pressure, directly related to fermentation?

    Obviously not a dumb question. Is it possible the pressure rise you are seeing when increasing the setpoint is simply the beer de-gassing? I've never used the tilt before, but what I read is that it is possible it gets "stuck" (not sure that's correct). If possible, taking a sample and getting...
  18. ducati

    Considering upgrade to Blichmann BrewEasy - questions...

    I normally use 10-12 pounds of grain in my 5-gal system. There is plenty of space to increase that, I just prefer that strength of beer. Using the manufacturer's guideline of 2.25 to 2.5 quarts of water per pound of grain, and working through all the losses, I do think this system possibly can...
  19. ducati

    Considering upgrade to Blichmann BrewEasy - questions...

    I think you are asking the right questions. I went through a similar process, not to say what you want is like what anyone else wants. I ended up with the 220V 5-Gal BrewEasy. I have a dedicated space, and don't have to move equipment every brew session. Originally, I wanted to do what you...
  20. ducati

    Hefeweizen mash process for better head retention?

    I always start my Hefe mash with a protein rest at 50C. The main reason for me is I use German Pils and wheat malt for my hefe's, which IMHO tend to be less modified than other grains I typically use. Filter before transferring a hefe to fermentor isn't something I would do. That might be a...