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  1. B

    White Labs WLP546 Marañón Canyon Wild Cacao

    Has anyone had any results with this yeast yet? I'm debating fermentation profile and was curious if anyone had any experience with this yet.
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    Doing away with tea

    Do you have any sources to backup that claim? From what I've seen it is reduced. And it doesn't just "disappear", it's metabolized into different compounds. Here's one I've found that states caffeine is reduced: Granted I haven't...
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    Brewing of the Tea

    So, really basic question here, and perhaps it's the homebrewer in me, but I'm getting ready to make my first batch of Kombucha and I'm finding the actual directions of making the tea for it lacking. The directions I have are to bring the water to boiling then let cool for 1-2 minutes. Follow...
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    Stainless Steel Fermenters

    Here is something else to keep in mind; unless SS has changed their manufacturing, the customer must passivate their own buckets. I took a quick read through the Anvil manual and it appears to be passivated for you already. This has always bothered me about SS.
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    New equipment overhall suggestions

    Best thing I ever did to ease my day was ditch 3 vessel systems and go to a two vessel, full volume mash. Sure it takes more grain, but I shave an hour or more off my day by not sparging and my pumps don't hate me so much. Also, I had my stand welded locally. It cost me $600 for a flat 3 vessel...
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    Spike... I need a conical

    On the page for the conical itself, there is a tab to sign up to be emailed when they are in stock. That is how they got contact info.
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    Hop Burst/Late Hopping Vs. Shorter boil for Session IPA

    Hop Bursting is adding a lot of hops at the end of the boil. It really doesn't matter if you boil for 30 minutes or 300, the hop bursting at the end would be the same. If you are talking about adding hops and boiling them for 30 minutes, that's a completely different story. That would result in...
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    50% off Inkbird ITC-310T Temperature Controller

    If only you needed some reviews from US customers, I'd be all over that. For what it's worth, I have a friend who bought an ink bird and likes it more than his Johnson's. Mostly due to the illuminated numbers, but at the price point, they don't seem like they can be beat.
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    Question about kettles

    I don't see any reason it wouldn't work, so long as the weld is good. I also don't think I've ever seen a pot with a welded bottom before.
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    Inverting bottles a week into conditioning?

    Really no need. That layer at the bottom is yeast and larger particles (proteins and other trub) settling out, but if they are carbonating, you don't need to mess with them. You also won't hurt them too much by mixing them around. I just wouldn't shake them. Vibrations during shipping is one...
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    Purepitch pitching rates

    I've never done it, but the Intial Cells Per Extract (B/g) in a 1.040 sg starter that is 6L is .14. The lower boundary of B/g as advised by Braukaiser is .1, so it seems that it would be fine. The biggest worry about too few cells into too large of a starter is that it gives contaminants a...
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    Advice: WLP644 Saccharomyces "Bruxellensis" Trois

    There is a brewery local to myself that has no problem using that strain on their clean equipment, but would never use Brett on it. The real question is, can a small population of 644 lend a noticeable effect on another beer? So far, I haven't noticed it.
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    William's Brewing SS Counterflow Chiller

    Also, if anyone is looking for the Williams Stainless CFC I'll sell the one I bought from Dan for a pretty good price. Just PM me.
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    Blichmann kettle dip tube ring

    My dip tubes come off without loosing the ring at all. I've never tried it without the ring, but I imagine it helps the dip tube remain oriented in the same position better, otherwise it may be too loose and move around during the boil. That's just speculation though.
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    Ss brew kettle | brewmaster edition

    I like it, I just wish it picked up more to the side of the kettle, but with the domed bottom I don't think it's really possible. You can move it during or after the boil. I'd suggest tightening up the clamp and then loosening it a little at a time until you can rotate it before filling it with...
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    William's Brewing SS Counterflow Chiller

    Here is a link to a side by side I did: I will say, I've moved back to my copper CFC since using the stainless for 6-8 batches. The stainless is nice and chilling while recirculating it back into the kettle seems to be the way to go with it...
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    Ss brew kettle | brewmaster edition

    Yes it does, but you need to put a valve on the port to keep wort from pouring out while you boil. There is another way as well, but I'm not familiar with it. On the SS website they have great links to videos detailing how it all works. My blichmann works great with it, but it's built into a...
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    Spike... I need a conical

    Last I heard they had sent a unit out to get a pressure rating (if this thing can hold 15psi or more, I don't know another conical near this price with it's potential) and after that were going to run a burst testing. I think these tests take longer to get results than anyone would hope for...
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    Wyeast Roeselare Sourness

    For future batches, if you are willing to have yeast shipped to you and are willing to wait for it to be available, bootleg biology's sour solera blend is awesome. I'm waiting for mine to mature and drop a few more gravity points, but it was down to 3.22 after just 3 months. I co-pitched it with...
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    Ss brew kettle | brewmaster edition

    I don't think they sell the Brewmasters Edition in 15 gallons. Are you talking about their standard kettles?