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  1. S

    Foodsaver Deal

    Boom! I just bought one for my mom for mother's day.
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    Temperature Control - Do you have any?

    Interesting. I have something like this cooking up myself.
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    Weldless: Oring or Silicone washer

    I had leaks using an oring.... The washers work great!
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    55 gallon batch

    I would be interested in that link
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    Stainless Steel spring or something inside MLT braid?? this is what i used... well maybe not this exact one... select the size you need for your application
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    Acquiring kegs - legally

    Here in NY if you don't return a keg in 90 days you lose your deposit ($70 or something ridiculous) I would buy a keg of the cheapest garbage I can get my hands on. keep the keg for 90 days and then contact the brewery and tell them they can have it back for the deposit. When they say no...
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    Maple sap for water for beer?!

    Sounds like a great idea!
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    Advice - Belgian Tripel

    I just did a belgian dark strong ale and I used wyeast 1762 which is like wlp 530. I agree with your temperature ramping. pitch in the mid sixties and let it rise slowly to 70 over the next few days. as fermentation slows, crank the heat up between 72-75.
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    96 degrees fermentation

    I think we need independent verification... I nominate myself to try it :)
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    What would this make?

    I would put it all back together and mix it thoroughly before dividing it.... that way you wont get any surprises
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    How to Sanitize a Carboy?

    I learn something new everyday... The bottle says lukewarm...
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    What RPM do you run your grain mill at?

    Hopefully you see this
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    How to Sanitize a Carboy?

    I used to use bleach (no vinegar) It was very cumbersome to make sure everything was rinsed and i was constantly bleaching the bath mat, etc. Now I use Oxyclean to clean, and Iodaphor to sanitize. On brew day i mix up 1.5 gallons of hot water to 1 teaspoon of Iodaphor. I put this in my old...
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    What RPM do you run your grain mill at?

    My search Fu is strong... Seriously the search engine blows on that site... I typed in "177 rpm gear motor" and "gear motor" Apparently I needed to type in "177.7 rpm gearmotor" Here is my setup. I used a large project box from radio shack and and on-off-on switch from home depot. I can try...
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    What RPM do you run your grain mill at? Boom!
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    What RPM do you run your grain mill at?

    I used Spider Couplings from 6408K11 (buy two... one for each shaft) 6408K84 one of these (the spider)
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    Why do 10 gallon batches?

    I have a 15.5 gallon keggle, and it is tight for a 10 gallon batch. I am looking to get a 20 gallon Bk 10 gallons of finished beer + 0.5 gallons trub/yeast + 0.5 gallons break/hops + 0.5 cfc and tubing +0.5 gallons shrinkage + 1.5 gallons of boiloff = 13.5 gallons into the Bk.... 15 is...
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    What RPM do you run your grain mill at?

    177rpm, with a $40 gear motor. no pulley means no side load on the mill bearings.
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    Anyone know a cheap PID with analog output?

    please do a write up on your findings and a build if possible. Im sure others would like to see how you did it. Good luck
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    Why do 10 gallon batches?

    +1 to this. We brew together, it is really convenient to have an extra pair if hands. then he takes his beer home with him in his fermenter. Half the work, twice the company while brewing.