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    Thank you, Ed. This is helpful and lends some credence to my experience. I will stir the mash for larger grain bills moving forward, as 75 percent efficiency is much better than what I've experienced thus far.
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    I've had a Grainfather for a little over a year and have done ~30 beers. I have noticed that mash efficiency (and by extension brewhouse efficiency) drops significantly for recipes exceeding 12 lbs of grain. For example, yesterday I brewed two beers, an oatmeal stout and an IPA, that used 11.5...
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    I also had issues with the Robobrew. My element and screen went out following my 7th brew with the machine. I have since switched to the Grainfather because of the warranty and good reports about customer service. A quick question for the group. The Robobrew and Grainfather have pretty...
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    Belgian Dubbel Issue

    I bought the keg new, but this was about the 4th beer I've put in it. I cleaned the keg and lines using the PBW brew wash , and then rinsed, and then ran starstan through lines until the keg was empty. My fear is I didn't adequately wash the dip tube or perhaps the posts. Any idea what might...
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    Belgian Dubbel Issue

    I am new to posting, although I have learned much from the collective wisdom on this forum. I am relatively new to all grain brewing, but have been brewing on and off for several years. Recently I brewed an all grain Belgian Dubbel based on a recipe from, of all places. We more...