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  1. J

    ISO-Westbrook Gose and Belching Beaver PB

    Hey Now. I have Gose and am looking for zombie dust. Let me know.
  2. J

    ISO Zombie Dust

    Would love to trade for some ZD as I'd like to compare my clone which I love dearly I do. I have Parabola 2013 Sucuba 2013 2014, KBS, Westbrook Gose, Bourbon County and some other NJ NY offerings.
  3. J

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 40!

    PM me if you want me to pick yours up.
  4. J

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 40!

    Anyone live in Monmouth County that could help with a pickup?
  5. J

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 40!

    Awesome!!! I'm in for 2 sacks Canadian 2 row. Thanks. Sent from my SCH-I535 using Home Brew mobile app
  6. J

    Maine Beer Co. "ZOE" Amber Ale Clone Attempt

    Thanks. I'm going to give it a go.
  7. J

    New Jersey 7lb CO2 Tank - Just bought

    Sold. Great brews Chingis and a pleasure meeting you. Thanks.
  8. J

    New Jersey 7lb CO2 Tank - Just bought

    Deal pending. BTW the price is 25 and a homebrew or two!
  9. J

    New Jersey 7lb CO2 Tank - Just bought

    And a home brew or two and you got a deal.
  10. J

    New Jersey 7lb CO2 Tank - Just bought

    Please make ofder and take this off of my hands!!!!
  11. J

    New Jersey 7lb CO2 Tank - Just bought

    This tank is made from high strength steel and is rated at 2015 psi service pressure. It holds 7 lbs of CO2 and includes a new CGA 320 valve. Finished with rust resistant grey paint and a white dome. Flat bottom, re-certified with fresh hydro-test date within 6 months but more typically 60 - 90...
  12. J

    New Jersey 7lb CO2 Tank - Just bought

    2015 - yeah 26 - plus shipping :(
  13. J

    New Jersey 7lb CO2 Tank - Just bought

    For sale7lb CO2 tank - just bought from beverage elements. Located in central NJ. Check it out.