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  1. B

    New Jersey Wanted- corker

    Check rite brew. Less than $60. Plus shipping
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    Grainfather Conical Fermenter Owners Thread

    Hi Mark Once you splice into the pump wires in the icemaster, you don't use the icemaster temperature controller. The grainfather controls the cooling in addition to the heating.
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    Beer Tower

    Just a heads up. A 3" tower makes the faucets rather close together. The size of the tap handles becomes a clearance issue.
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    So, what are your thoughts on corn?

    Corn is perfect at about 20% with Vienna pils for a Mexican style lager. Perfect for those people who typically like only the common beers. It's a crowd pleaser.
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    Looks like northern Brewer is running the sparge water heater for $50. Is grainfather bringing out a new version? It's a steal if you need one.
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    Grainfather Conical Fermenter Owners Thread

    I looked into that setup with the idea of chilling the chilling water with that setup. The issue that kept coming up was that it was limited to the cooling capacity of the aquarium chiller. They typically won't go that close to freezing. It limits how low you could take the fermenter. It...
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    Grainfather G30 with false bottom issues

    Wow. It was under $20. It does help as I have the cheaper version. I haven't had the build up on the burner portion as i did before, but whirlpool causes it to shift. The best thing would be if the heating element was less dense. (Aka more spread out on the bottom). It does seem to...
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    Grainfather Conical Fermenter Owners Thread

    These are the cables from Amazon that matches the grainfather cooling pump. (Real 18AWG 43x2pcs Copper Strands) 10 Pairs DC Power Pigtail Cable Wire, 12V 5A Male & Female Connectors for CCTV Security Camera and Lighting Power Adapter by MILAPEAK (2.1mm x 5.5mm, Ultra Thick) ...
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    Grainfather Conical Fermenter Owners Thread

    I'm using an IceMaster Max 2. If you have the grainfather cooling kit with the pump, I used the hoses and more importantly the cable from it. The grainfather controller can control and power the pump included in that chiller. Just need a matching pair of connectors that match the cable.
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    Spotted Cow

    New Glarus - Wisconsin Belgium Red. Has to be one of the better cherry beers out there. Its not like drinking cough syrup. It's a nice place to visit. They set up their tasting area very nicely.
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    Grainfather opinions

    I made about 45 batches on the 120v 5 gallon version. Then while heating my mash water, the smell of burning plastic filled my brewspace. On the plus side, GF did replace the boiler and controller with the updated version. 20A plug and heavier boiler cable. It looks good. My concern is what...
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    On the replacements, they did not provide the updated 20A plug and socket version? The cable to the boiler element was also updated to a larger wire AWG.
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    Well happened to me. After 40 brews, the dreaded fused boiler plug to the controller box. Right before I was to mash in 10 degrees shy....I smelled the burning plastic. Damn that cable and controller were hot. Six days and bunch of emails, a new boiler and controller. The cable has...
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    Wanted Wanted- corker

    If you go to ritebrew, you can get a new floor corker for under $50. I purchased one. Great tool at a good price. Only issue is the storage space. Even disassembled, it's not small.
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    Grainfather G30 with false bottom issues

    I also removed the check valve. I do use a hop spider. For me, the false bottom is good for collecting the grain particles that make it out of the basket. Lately, I've noticed the false bottom does get displaced. I find it tilted. It still has most of grain particles attached. I could be...
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    Buy the kit from more beer. So if (when) it happens, you're prepared. And no, I do not work for any brew stores and have nothing to gain by this. I was talking to an employee at a brew store. Who lost the overflow nut. Threw the nut with the grain. Funniest facial expression when I helped...
  17. B

    How do you save your cooling water?

    I use it to test out my sump pump. My counterflow chiller line runs discharges into my sump pit. When the water gets high enough, it waters my lawn. The temp of the pit water offsets any heat issues.
  18. B


    One thing that would be interesting is to determine the duty cycle of the compressor with the different loading. Temp of fermentors, room temp, cold crashing, etc. I think the max 2 has much more capacity than just 2 7 gallon fermentors.
  19. B


    That's an interesting idea. I have the max 2 also. I was looking at the stats between the 2 and 4. They both seem to have the same compressor. The glycol volume is the only mechanical different (forgetting about the controllers and pumps). I would think to increase the capacity, one could...