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  1. N

    Mid HudsonValley, CT Group Grain Buy #27 (March 2021)

    Excellent! I'll kick this off with some pent up demand.... (2x) Wheat malt (2x) Pilsner (anything but Viking) (2x) Golden Promise (1x) 2-row (1x) Flaked Oats p.s. It's not all for me
  2. N

    MidHudson Valley, CT Group Grain Buy #26

    hmmm... seems to have stalled. Bump
  3. N

    MidHudson Valley, CT Group Grain Buy #26

    Excellent! I'm ready for some malt. 1X Marris Otter 2X 2-row
  4. N

    MidHudson Valley, CT Group Grain Buy #25

    1- gold promis 1- wheat malt 2- 2 row
  5. N

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Group Buy #24

    I’m ready
  6. N

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Group Buy #24

    2 - US 2 row 2 - Golden Promise 1 - Carafoam 1 - Rice Hull
  7. N

    MidHudson Valley, CT Round #23

    Sorry about that guys, I wasn't getting notices for some reason. I just paid, should be all set now
  8. N

    MidHudson Valley, CT Round #23

    I was just wondering when the next buy would be and here it is. Perfect timing. Put me down for: 1x Pilsner 1x 2row 2x Golden Promise If anyone wants to split a sack of Vienna I would be in for that too.
  9. N

    MidHudson Valley, CT Round #22

    If you can get 1 gal of Lactic I'll take one. What size pkgs do the cryohops come in and what are the price ranges?
  10. N

    MidHudson Valley, CT Round #22

    2 x Golden Promise If anyone wants to split some bulk PBW, I'm in for 1/2 a container (I forget the size) also, can you get Lactic Acid in bulk?
  11. N

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round #19

    Put me down for 4 sacks 1-Pilsner 1-2row 2- Golden Promis naugled
  12. N

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round#17

    Is Sunday ok for pickup?
  13. N

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round#17

    Put me down for these: 1 - Vienna 1 - Pilsner 1 - 2-row 1 - Golden Promise
  14. N

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round#16

  15. N

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round#16

    Put me down for: 1 - Pils 1 - Golden Promis
  16. N

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round#14

    Thanks, you got it right now.
  17. N

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round#14

    Put me down for 2 sacks, a Pilsner and a Golden Promis
  18. N

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round#13

    Put me down for 3 sacks of 2-Row, Rahr is fine
  19. N

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round#9

    I'm in for 1 sack of vienna 1/2 sacks of: (splits if anyone is interested) Golden Promis Pils Munich (light) And 10# of PBW if that split happens. If the 1/2 sacks don't happen I might be able to swing whole sacks of a few of those.