Excellent! I'll kick this off with some pent up demand....
(2x) Wheat malt
(2x) Pilsner (anything but Viking)
(2x) Golden Promise
(1x) 2-row
(1x) Flaked Oats
p.s. It's not all for me
I was just wondering when the next buy would be and here it is. Perfect timing.
Put me down for:
1x Pilsner
1x 2row
2x Golden Promise
If anyone wants to split a sack of Vienna I would be in for that too.
I'm in for
1 sack of vienna
1/2 sacks of: (splits if anyone is interested)
Golden Promis
Munich (light)
And 10# of PBW if that split happens.
If the 1/2 sacks don't happen I might be able to swing whole sacks of a few of those.