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  1. S

    New Jersey- Brew Kettles

    Price Reduced: I need to clear room in my garage! Each kettle reduced by 25.00.
  2. S

    New Jersey- Brew Kettles

    Yes they are available.
  3. S

    Spike Brewing Kettles

    Thanks, I placed my order yesterday.
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    New Jersey- Brew Kettles

    Two Kettles for sale: One 30 Liter (7.9 Gal) converted keg with lid and thermometer 100.00 One 10 Gal Stainless Steel Pot with lid, thermometer and valve 125.00
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    Spike Brewing Kettles

    Thank you.
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    Spike Brewing Kettles

    Does anyone have a review or input on these kettles?
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    New Jersey Keggles, burner, chiller, etc

    I sent you an email concerning the spike kettle if it is still available.
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    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 41!

    Hey all, I have a few cases of cleaned bottles to give away. If anyone is interested, I could bring them to the grain pick up. Send me a PM if you want them.
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    Hop Trade

    I mistakenly bought a pound of Chinook thinking I was out of them. Found 9 ounces of 2013 in my freezer that I would like to trade. I also have 12 ounces of Nelson to trade. All vac sealed in my freezer. What do you have to offer?
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    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 41!

    Just sent payment and pm. Thanks again!
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    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 41!

    I'm in. 2-Avangard Pale and 1-Avangard Pils Thanks again guys!
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    ISO: Toppling Goliath

    Looking for King Sue. FT: Heady or Pliny
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    Beer trade

    Any 4 of the following: SKA- Modus Hoperandi or Decadent. Crooked Stave-Hop Savant Funkwerks-Tropic King or Dark Prohet Twisted Pine-Hoppy Boy
  14. S

    Wyeast 3864 Canadian/Belgian ale

    At 1.044 your brew was not finished. I would have left it in primary another week or so. It is a good thing you have new activity in the secondary. Sounds like fermentation kicked in again.
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    Beer trade

    I am interested in an exchange.Send me a PM with quantity etc., that you want.
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    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 40!

    I'm in: 1 X Best Pils 1 X Bairds Pale and 1 X Bairds MO
  17. S

    Randy Mosher's Radical Brewing and IBUs

    Just an FYI: Here is a link to a list of corrections for Radical Brewing. I did not check for the recipe you mentioned, but the list may help you in the future.
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    4lb CO2 Cylinders, $29.95 -

    What happened to the keg sale?