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  1. L

    new co2 tank - excessive foaming

    Hey guys. Just got a new 6L co2 tank, as I wanted my smaller one for purging kegs and topping up my pressure fermenter, and a bigger one sitting in my kegerator. It came prefilled, brand new, with food grade co2 in there. Chain of events: Took my regulator off old tank, attached to the new one...
  2. L

    Overdimensioned regulator?

    Hey, I'm relatively new to kegging, and bought like a tank regulator combo a few months back. It was from a beer specialist shop, so the regulator goes from 0-6 bar or approx 0-90 psi, so it's easy to control. I wanted another tank+reg for purging and topping up my pressure fermentor etc, so...
  3. L

    Pale Ale came out very dark

    small update on this, feeling kinda dumb. this came out a beautiful deep orange color, tastes lovely with hints of biscuit and a solid malt base. I used LAIII and the fact that it ended up at 1.018 gives its a very slight residual sweetness that goes really well with the malty flavors. very...
  4. L

    Pale Ale came out very dark

    Let's hope! Standard GF 60 minute boil, and as im sure you know, the GF boils are not what I would describe as especially vigorous, just a chilled out rolling boil. We'lll see how it comes out, I just did not expect to see mud in my fermenter :D Edit: just checked your link, and the recipe i...
  5. L

    Pale Ale came out very dark

    Yes indeed, I don't have access to 2-row here either. I always use pilsner in my IPAs and NEIPAs, because i prefer the flavor (and color) but I wanted to try a more malty pale ale, just like you described. It's just that it looks like raw sewage in the fermenter so I was starting to second guess...
  6. L

    Pale Ale came out very dark

    100% Agree. I was just worried about it tasting closer to a brown ale than a malty pale ale, if u get my meaning. I usually don't worry about colour either unless it's a NEIPA, and it's brown ;)
  7. L

    Pale Ale came out very dark

    That looks pretty tasty. I was worried about how much the muddy brownish look would affect flavor, but if it ends up being similar to yours after a few weeks in the keg, I'm sure it will be fine.
  8. L

    Pale Ale came out very dark

    I'm stuck with whatever I can get. Poland is not a country of great diversity, that goes for homebrewing ingredients as well unfortunately. Thanks for the info!
  9. L

    Pale Ale came out very dark

    Ok well I guess you learn something new every brew!
  10. L

    Pale Ale came out very dark

    Yeah you might be right, i just felt like a 5 kg grain bill isn't that much. certainly less than what I normally go for. Thanks for the help and input!
  11. L

    Pale Ale came out very dark

    It was a normal sized batch. 5.8 gallons pre boil (22 L) OG was 1.058. So I guess writing 5 gallons earlier was just a dumb conversion mistake by me EDIT: POST boil ofcourse, not pre boil. My head is not screwed on right today
  12. L

    Pale Ale came out very dark

    batch size is 5 gl
  13. L

    Pale Ale came out very dark

    Yeah, u are right. I was considering that as well but just it looks so massively brown ;) Detailed malts: Pale malt, castlemalting, 7-10 ebc, color 9 Viking caramel malt 30 6-10 EBC, color 8 Munich malt - Bestmalz - 11-20 EBC, color 15 Vienna malt Castlemalting, 4-7 EBC, color 6.
  14. L

    Pale Ale came out very dark

    Hi guys, I just brewed a version of a pale ale recipe I found on here, and it came a lot darker than I had thought it would. I used 6 pounds pale malt (castle malting) 2 pounds vienna 2 pounds munich 0.5 pounds caramel 30 I expected an amber color for sure, like 12-15 srm maybe, but not this...
  15. L

    First time kegging - excessive foam

    haha thanks for this man, I made the incredible dumb mistake of thinking 3/8 was the same as 3/16 tubing in terms of inner diameter. Living in metric world, these confused the **** out of me. I got some chech flow control taps, but I have to have them on the absolute minimum setting to avoid the...
  16. L

    First time kegging - excessive foam

    well judging from your profile picture i don't doubt that for a second ;)
  17. L

    First time kegging - excessive foam

    will do. my neipa has been sitting there for a week and a half, so im pretty anxious to get it into my glass
  18. L

    First time kegging - excessive foam

    Yeah, but the total price of that is absolutely insane. I managed to find some at a swedish homebrew site, so I'm sorted once it gets here. I definately learned alot about tubing, so atleast that's something. Thanks :)
  19. L

    First time kegging - excessive foam

    Your assumptions are correct, I tried the flow control at different settings, no matter how slow the flow is from the faucet, its foam city.
  20. L

    First time kegging - excessive foam

    I had no idea. Yes, it's my first time kegging but jesus christ i feel like a dumb sonofabitch.