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  1. M

    Unboxing the Nano from CO Brewing

    Please forgive my ignorance, I'm a software guy by trade and know very little when it comes to hardware and electrical systems. Are contactors/relays the same thing? I think that the relay is at the top of the box, with the heat sink on top of it. Where can I get the part to replace this? Thanks...
  2. M

    Unboxing the Nano from CO Brewing

    Is this the contactor? That's where the clicking is coming from and one of the connections to it looks burned.
  3. M

    Unboxing the Nano from CO Brewing

    I've had this system for over a year and yesterday ran into a issue that I can't figure out. When I turn the switch to turn on the heating element I hear a clicking noise but the element doesn't turn on. If I toggle the switch a few times I can get it to turn on sometimes. Once it's on it works...
  4. M

    Unboxing the Nano from CO Brewing

    I also did a wheat beer last weekend with 5 pounds of wheat, 5 pounds of 2-row and 1 pound of rice hulls. I did a rest at 120 as recommended and was able to run the pump at full speed the entire mash and it never got stuck. I do have the 15 gallon system so maybe only doing 5 gallons on it is...
  5. M

    Unboxing the Nano from CO Brewing

    For those of you crushing your own grains, what are you setting your mill at?
  6. M

    Unboxing the Nano from CO Brewing

    My guess is because the temp probe is below the grain bed and close to the heating element.
  7. M

    Unboxing the Nano from CO Brewing

    I've been looking at getting the manifold as well and this might of convinced me to pull the trigger. I'm planning on doing another batch next week, I'll see how it goes then make a decision.
  8. M

    Unboxing the Nano from CO Brewing

    I notice that a lot of people are trying to improve the temperature consistency of the mash. I was worried about this also because when using the system for the first time I noticed the temp on the controller tended to vary some. I was skeptical of how accurate that was since the sensor is at...
  9. M

    Unboxing the Nano from CO Brewing

    I've been using 1/2 to a pound of rice hulls and haven't had an issue with stuck sparge. I also have the solid side inner basket. The only issue I've had is low efficiency. I'm thinking about trying to crush finer next time, just hoping that it doesn't cause a stuck sparge.
  10. M

    Unboxing the Nano from CO Brewing

    What was your efficiency, I'm only getting around 60%, can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
  11. M

    Unboxing the Nano from CO Brewing

    Did my first brew on the system and overall things went really well. I went with a SMASH to keep it simple just 10 pounds of 2-row and crystal hops. Here on some notes and questions. • I decided to try wet milling my grains, by adding about 90 grams of water to the grains 15 minutes before...
  12. M

    Unboxing the Nano from CO Brewing

    How hard is it to change it out to the new one? Do you have to adjust anything with the PID?
  13. M

    Unboxing Colorado Brewing Systems new Single Vessel System

    I was looking at going that route with my system and I got this quote from The 14-30R (Receptacle) is $48 The 14-30P (Plug) is $83. PGFI-2301N 30AMP 240VOLT Single Phase Inline GFCI Portable 2' 10/3 Cord W/flying leads NEMA 4X, 6P Manual Reset 156.82...
  14. M

    Unboxing Colorado Brewing Systems new Single Vessel System

    I put these settings in and put in 10 gallons of water set the target to 150 and it overshot to 152. Is that normal or should I adjust more?
  15. M

    Unboxing Colorado Brewing Systems new Single Vessel System

    Could you send those to me? I've tried autotune and am still seeing overshots of 3+ degrees. I'm a little bit annoyed it's not performing better. Thanks!
  16. M

    Unboxing the Nano from CO Brewing

    I'm about to do my batch on the system too, and want to avoid scorching it. What caused it? Any tips to avoid it?
  17. M

    Unboxing Colorado Brewing Systems new Single Vessel System

    Mine is the nano brewer home also, but I did have the whirlpool port added so I guess that's why it's welded on.
  18. M

    Unboxing Colorado Brewing Systems new Single Vessel System

    They must have changed the design because I just got my nano system in this week and that piece is welded onto the basket. Hopefully that will work out better. Can't wait to get it all setup for my first batch. Still also trying to figure out the best route in regards to gfci. Either replace the...
  19. M

    Unboxing the Nano from CO Brewing

    I'm waiting for my system to come in and I have the same outlet. Does the system not ship with a plug? What are you doing for gfci protection? Thanks!
  20. M

    Unboxing the Nano from CO Brewing

    For those of you that have bought the system how long did it take from when you ordered it? The site say 4-5 weeks and I was curious how accurate that is. I ordered mine about two weeks ago, can't wait for it to get here.