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  1. H


    I have made ginger beer using ginger bug. First time there was bit or two bits too much ginger and it turn to be really ginger almost impossible to drink. Now I use less ginger and it is quite ok. Really easy to make.
  2. H

    Sour Cider

    What about metanol? Apple Jack is good idea.
  3. H

    Sour Cider

    Today we have nice weather for cold crashing -30C /-22F, could be fast maybe too fast. Tomorrow it should be around 0C or 35 F. I have around +6 C in garage maybe I try it there.
  4. H

    Sour Cider

    I will make some more = 3 liters of cider using Lalvin EC 1118 just to see if it will work better.
  5. H

    Sour Cider

    What makes cider sour (not good), it is like having some juice on the table for some days? I have use pastirized juice from own apples, all parts are clean and sanitised. MO2 yeast. Can it be too less air from the start= not enough shaking? Is there something to be done? I have glass bottle and...
  6. H

    Gallons of cider made 2023

    Thanks, I did not ready too much of previous posts.
  7. H

    Gallons of cider made 2023

    You drink all?
  8. H

    Gallons of cider made 2023

    3x1.33 =4 gal from own apples.
  9. H

    Apple cider stupid questions

    Thanks and merry Christmas. Im living in Finland, we have here snow and polar bears. Finding cold place is not a problem. My garage in on +7 C.
  10. H

    Apple cider stupid questions

    I have apple cider from own pastorized apples, M02 yeast and nothing else, i did not measure the juice but there is app. 10% of sugar in it as measured earlier. It has been bubling some time. I have changed it to other bottle add some apple juice and remove yeast from bottom. So it is still...
  11. H


    Home made typically by students, cheap alcohol from Finland when alcohol content matters. Warm water, bread yeast and sugar.
  12. H

    MO2 yeast

    No, I use less than half of MO2. I change the cider to other bottle+ add some more juice and it is still bubbling.
  13. H

    Hello From Finland

    Yes this I have noticed, there is quite a lot to read. I was happy to find this.
  14. H

    Hello From Finland

    Hi, I'm from Finland, we have several apple trees and quite a lot apple juice. So I have started to make some cider. I have also made ginger beer using ginger bug. We have also some wine plants let see if I get some own wine some day.
  15. H

    MO2 yeast

    I don't know if it correct or not but I change my cider to other 5 litre bottle and add some more apple juice to replace the yeast in the bottom of original bottle. I did this also last time. I think it will bubble some time again, at least it started to bubble. I was bit surprised as there was...
  16. H

    MO2 yeast

    Yes, it might be ready. I add few drops of syrup and start to bubble again. I need get some bottles, I was planning to bottle it at the end of the month.
  17. H

    MO2 yeast

    I don't know how to edit text. The apple juice is from our own apples.
  18. H

    MO2 yeast

    Hi, I have made apple cider three times. First using Lalvin EC 1118 yeast, result was dry but good. Second only apple juice, not very good but drinkable Now 5 days ago I made 5 liters using MO2 yeast, the cider is on temperature of around 23C. It was bubling a lot but now not too much or...