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  1. J

    New South Central Pa grain buy

    Any timeline on the next buy Mike?
  2. J

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 42!

    Thanks for putting the buy together. I'd like to order: Canada Malting 2row $43 Canada Malting Wheat $43 Tomas Fawcett Maris $53
  3. J

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 41!

    Paid via Paypal Thanks!
  4. J

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 41!

    Please add to my order: 1 bag Muntons Pale ale Pearl (heady Topper)
  5. J

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 41!

    Thanks for the buy guys. I'd like to get: AVANGARD 55lb Germany 1-Premium Pils 3-Premium Pale 2 Row
  6. J

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 40!

    Thanks for the buy!
  7. J

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 40!

    Thanks for setting up the buy beer dudes, I'd like to order: Canada Malting 1- Superior Pils 1- 2 row 1- wheat Bairds 1- Maris Otter
  8. J

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 39!

    sorry double post
  9. J

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 39!

    Count me in.
  10. J

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 39!

    Any update? Been out of grain for 2 months.
  11. J

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 39!

    Paid. Thanks!
  12. J

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 39!

    I'd like- 1 CM 2 row 1 CM pale 1 CM pils 1 GW vienna
  13. J

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 37! PREORDER/INFO/COMING SOON!

    Is the group buy still going on?
  14. J

    Making Traditional rice Wine. Cheap, Fun, and Different

    I didn't cool my rice enough and it formed a gray/blue fuzz then came the black dots koji I guess. It didn't do much the first week but now after 3 weeks it has produced a decent amount of cloudy liquid in the bottom of jar and smells pretty good. Next batch, i'll cool it more.
  15. J

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 37! PREORDER/INFO/COMING SOON!

    Could I be added to the list for future buys? Still going thru some grain but will need in near future.
  16. J

    Making Traditional rice Wine. Cheap, Fun, and Different

    Well, a week into my batch that had blue/gray looking mold with black dots in it, I guess koji. It smells ok, on the sweet side. Tilting the bottle it seemed that there was liquid on the top third of the rice and i thought maybe nothing was happening on the bottom, as I didn't see liquid pooling...
  17. J

    Making Traditional rice Wine. Cheap, Fun, and Different

    I'm 6 days in and my batch with blue mold on top is now showing liquid forming on the top third of rice. Don't see liquid on bottom yet. Opinions? I boiled my rice and added the yeast when it was kind of hot. It was sticky sushi rice.
  18. J

    Making Traditional rice Wine. Cheap, Fun, and Different

    It's been 3 days from my first batch and wondering if this is normal. I used 5 cups sushi rice and boiled/simmered with 10 cups water about 20 minutes until water was gone. I didn't cool it too well and layered it and mixed each layer with parts of 2 crushed yeast balls (2 total in gal jar). I...
  19. J

    Making Traditional rice Wine. Cheap, Fun, and Different

    Think I screwed up. I made my first batch today, but I forgot to let the rice cool. It was pretty hot when I added 2 smashed yeast balls in layers. I stirred after adding each layer of yeast. Should I get more yeast and add it or wait it out and hope for the best?