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  1. G

    Gallons of cider made 2023

    So after filtering my 6 gallons of Cox's and Crabapple from primary into secondary (second racking), I was left with nearly 1/2 gallon of yeasty cider in the filter. Obviously I topped it up to a full gallon with 1.060SG syrup and slapped an airlock on it. 300.75 + 1 = 301.75 G
  2. G

    Irish Cider

    I wonder how that compares to letting cider sit in an oak barrel for months on end like they did before stainless steel took over?
  3. G

    I should have enough cider for the year

    About 50 gallons?
  4. G

    Gallons of cider made 2023

    6 gallons of 50/50 mix Cox's Orange Pippin and Red Vein Crabapple. Natural yeast. OG 1.050, pH 2.87. 198.25 + 6 = 204.25
  5. G

    Fermentation vessel options primarily for cider.

    That's an interesting idea. It would take some investment in Sankey gear, but I think that's doable. I assume that the idea is to use a float tube to pick the cider up off the lees, pass it through a filter and into the corny kegs in an airless transfer. That makes me wonder though. Maybe...
  6. G

    Fermentation vessel options primarily for cider.

    I only inspect the windfalls for coddling moth damage and rot. (The Cox's were ripe mid-September, and it's been unseasonably warm.) Firm and unripe apples need halving anyway or the garbage disposal crusher I'm currently using tends to start blocking. Soft or cut apples, no problem. I'm...
  7. G

    Fermzilla Gen 3.0 doing away with the dreaded collection jar

    Thanks. I'm looking at it for cider to remove yeast and lees easily.
  8. G

    Fermzilla Gen 3.0 doing away with the dreaded collection jar

    What do you hate about the collection jar? What do you do instead? Asking as someone that is about to upgrade fermentation vessels with Fermzilla an option...
  9. G

    Fermentation vessel options primarily for cider.

    Hey hive-mind. It's become time to upgrade my fermentation vessel options, used for cider. I've been using a couple of 5G carboys and several brew buckets, but as my volumes increase dealing with them is becoming a pain. I'm looking for options that I may have missed. Last time (2 years ago)...
  10. G

    Cox's and Crab.

    Yeah, I'm definitely leaning that way. This was after 8 hours, the krausen reached the stopper by the 12 hour mark. It seems to have settled there, so maybe it won't blow the airlock off. Given how fast this took off the yeast strain must have already been thriving on and within the apples...
  11. G

    Cox's and Crab.

    Hi! I've been cidermaking for a few years now, biannually, since that's when my Fuji tree fruits, and I'm too optimistic and lazy to thin the fruit when it sets. Fuji juice is sweet but low in tannins and acidity, requiring adjustment, but that isn't the topic for today. I also have in my...
  12. G


    Hi. I've been fermenting cider for a few years from Fuji apples from my garden. Waiting on my 3 bittersweet saplings to start producing. This year has finally given me a usable yield from a Cox's Orange Pippin and a crabapple tree too.