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  1. G

    DC Area Group Buy #22

    Seriously? NOOOOOO!!! :( That's a killer malt!
  2. G

    DC Group Buy #21

    Just like previous years, my homebrew club Baltibrew is organizing and hosting "Chilibrew"! This is an outstanding event, many folks thinks it's the greatest annual event in Baltimore. It consists of a homebrew, a meat chili and and a vegetarian chili competition including crowd and panel...
  3. G

    DC Group Buy #20

    Hi there, is anyone else from Baltimore or close by in on this buy? :mug:
  4. G

    DC Group Buy #20

    Yup, let's skip it. Very unfortunate they don't carry it any longer since I've scored the Koelsch malt via this group buy in the past. And it is excellent! :(
  5. G

    DC Group Buy #20

    Since this buy is about to close, I am going to make a last minute desperation pitch for the acidulated malt. It's my go-to option for controlling mash pH for almost all my brews since I don't brew a lot of beers darker than SRM 6 or 7 besides the occasional Scharzbier or Doppelbock. It's super...
  6. G

    DC Group Buy #20

    Sweet, great work guys! Started 2 splits: Weyermann Acidulated & Schill Koelsch Malt Cheers!
  7. G

    DC Group Buy #19

    here's my last desperate pitch for two splits I am hoping will close by the deadline tomorrow at midnight. Midnight Wheat (the perfect SRM adjuster!) Flaked Wheat (more wheat flavor than the regular malted wheat and summer is around the corner) Hop on, guys!
  8. G

    DC Group Buy #19

    I know this is late in the game for this buy but I just started a new split for flaked wheat, gotta stock up for those summer brews! And don't forget about the midnight wheat!!! Cheers!
  9. G

    DC Group Buy #19

    started a new split, Briess Midnight Wheat It's my new go-to malt for color adjustment, used it in both Alt and Schwarzbeer, it's excellent, no roast flavor!
  10. G

    DC Group Buy #19

    Crazy what can happen in a month of not stopping by our group buy thread. New website for ordering, sounds exciting, great work, guys! I'll take the last 20 pounds to close out the Floor-malted Bohemian Pilsner split. I'll also take the last 20 pounds of the Briess White Wheat split. Thanks!
  11. G

    DC Group Buy #18

    Do you have a pic of the canner? Very cool!
  12. G

    DC Group Buy #17

    Many thanks for the fast refund! Put some of the new grains to use right away and brewed a German Pils yesterday! cheers and happy brewing everyone!
  13. G

    DC Group Buy #17

    only 10 bucks to compete at Baltimore's most awesome homebrew competition of the year, Chilibrew! It's in 6 days, here's the info: TO ANY LAST-MINUTE COMPETITORS: We're giving away a grand total of $1,050 in cash to our 18 winners! $100 for 1st, $50 for 2nd, and $25 for 3rd—oh, and some...
  14. G

    DC Group Buy #17

    I'll up my flaked corn split to 15# to close out that split.
  15. G

    DC Group Buy #17

    Every year my homebrew club hosts Chilibrew here in Baltimore. This year it's on October 7th. This is an amazing chili/homebrew competition for charity and is generally considered one of the best events of the year in Baltimore. We still have open competitor spots for both the chili (meat or...
  16. G

    DC Group Buy #17

    Perfect. Tony, please add this split. Thank you!
  17. G

    DC Group Buy #17

    Please cancel the wheat split, I forgot that I am already in for 25#.
  18. G

    DC Group Buy #17

    please add to my order: 1X Avangard Malz Premium Pilsen new split: 25# Avangard Malz Premium Wheat Anyone want to split a bag of Rahr 2-row?
  19. G

    DC Group Buy #17

    Please add: 2X Briess Organic 2-Row Thank you!
  20. G

    DC Group Buy #17

    Time to jump onto splits and start some new ones! 5# Flaked Corn (to close that split) 10# Weyermann Munich Type 2 (would also be okay to have this changed to the Avangard Dark Munich to save a couple bucks) New splits: 25# Avangard Malz Premium Wheat 10# Rice Hulls 25# Schill Cologne...