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  1. F

    Cheap & Easy 10 Gallon Rubbermaid MLT Conversion

    I built mine with a home depot cooler today. It used 3/8" as well. I couldn't imagine a 1/2" fitting in there. The 3/8 was very snug to fit in the rubber washer. I was a little shocked at the sticker price of this project. I spent a lot more than I expected to get everything I needed. Cooler -...
  2. F

    How long does beer take to carbonate?

    Damnit. Is the batch lost? I just bottled a second batch using the same conversion. Last time I take a recommendation from the "pros" at the homebrew shop. ****! :mad:
  3. F

    How long does beer take to carbonate?

    I'm a bit worried about my batch of Amber Ale. This is my first batch. Pre-bottle taste was good. I've tried a bottle every week. Here's my findings. Week 1: Taste good, poor carbonation (expected) Week 2: Didn't taste it Week 3: Plenty of carbonation, funny chemical like smell, funny...
  4. F

    Stuck Yeast

    Thanks for the advice, I'll give that a shot.
  5. F

    Stuck Yeast

    Pitched my yeast and then I moved my carboy to a dark space last night. This morning, I noticed that some of the yeast is stuck near my airlock. I tried to shake the carboy to catch the yeast, but it didn't seem to make it better. Should I be worried?
  6. F

    Secondary Fermentation - To Rack or Not to Rack

    Wish I would have read this yesterday. I just transferred my brew into a carboy yesterday to finish fermenting. Seems like most people here are recommending not to. Does this stay true for ingredient kits? The kits recommend secondary fermentation.
  7. F

    o noes... my airlock stopped bubbling early?

    I had the same concern. I brewed my first batch of American Amber Ale on Saturday, and it stopped bubbling today. After reading this, my mind is at peace! I can't wait. The instructions provided recommended to transfer to secondary after 4-5 days. Would the experienced recommend I wait longer...