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  1. W

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 40!

    I would like one Fawcett - Maris Otter
  2. W

    Speidel Plastic Tanks

    I ordered my 60L on 10/8/12 and it shipped 2/8/13.
  3. W

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy... ROUND 35!

    Paid Thanks!
  4. W

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy... ROUND 35!

    1x GW-2ROW Thanks!
  5. W

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy... ROUND 34!

    Thanks Jeff, Great Job!
  6. W

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy... ROUND 34!

    Hammond is wanlord1
  7. W

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy... ROUND 34!

    I would like to add 1 x 5S‐STAR ‐ 32 ounce (would be willing to go 1/4 x 5S‐STAR4) Thanks
  8. W

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy... ROUND 34!

    1x TF-MOPA Please
  9. W

    Irish Red Ale St Fuad's Irish Red

    Has anyone brewed this recipe with Maris Otter instead of Vienna Malt. I brewed this recipe with Vienna and everyone loved it.
  10. W

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy... ROUND 31!

    Thanks Jeff!
  11. W

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy... ROUND 31!

    1x CM-2ROW Please if room Thanks
  12. W

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy... ROUND 31!

    1 x TF-MOPA Please. Thanks
  13. W

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy... ROUND 29!

    I would like 1x BZ-PILS Thanks
  14. W

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy... ROUND 21!

    No Problem. I should be around. 856-461-8980
  15. W

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy... ROUND 21!

    I'm in Delran if that's any help.
  16. W

    BrewingAlarm for iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad

    Beersmith just posted a new beta version or 2.0 and it seems to fix the problems with beer XML export. I just imported a recipe exported from 2.0.44 to Brewing Alarm and it worked just fine.
  17. W

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy... ROUND 21!

    One bag of TF‐MOPA, Thanks
  18. W

    Temp Controller / Thermowell question

    I got my thermowell from Northern Brewer. It's just like the one built by motovrewer. I drilled a hole large enough to fit the stopper in a bucket lid so I can ferment in either a bucket or a carboy. Using a Johnson Digital Controller and the thermowell gives excellent temperature control.