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  1. R

    Big Ass Sink

    No, the motor is 3 phase and I need to convert it to single
  2. R

    Big Ass Sink

    Thanks for the reply. Your suggestion is what I was thinking but I needed a second opinion. Looks like I've got a new project.
  3. R

    Big Ass Sink

    I figured this would be the place to ask all the beer gear junkies. I recently came into a big 3 basin stainless steel sink. My original intent was just to use it for processing game and the large quantities of fruit we deal with. However after looking at it the large basin (42x30x19) has...
  4. R

    The End Is Near!!

    Well its now 12:10 A.M> and were all still here.....Damn i was looking forward to some of that Anunakian beer.
  5. R

    The End Is Near!!

    Wait a minute. This may a be a stretch but from what I remember, one of the oldest known texts is a Sumerian beer recipe right, The Anunaki are the creators of the Sumerians also right so...If they decide not to annihalate our planet and all that other unpleasant stuff, we all may get to have...
  6. R

    The End Is Near!!

    I suppose they would have had to find a constellation that foretold the gestation period of small pox. That may have hepled a bit.
  7. R

    The End Is Near!!

    I wonder if were going to see a population explosion nine months from now...just thinkin
  8. R

    The End Is Near!!

    I'll be keeping the night watch here on the left side all night and will let everyone know if i see any meteors, pole shifts, zombies or global consciousness awakenings:D
  9. R

    Frustrated with AG....

    It may be a grind issue as well. Are you grinding your own, or buying it that way? I cant really speak much to the bazooka screen idea b/c i have never used one myself.
  10. R

    Can this be done?

    Wow, this is already a year old. Time flys when your workin your arse off I guess. You still interested in knowing the progress?
  11. R

    BeerSmith Android Brew Buddy

    Will most definitely be paying attention to this also. Been waiting for Beersmith for a long time now.
  12. R

    Old Stock Ale

    I have to agree with everyone here. I had a couple that i aged for 6 years and drank when my first son was born.....Ohhhhh Dam they were good!!
  13. R

    No fermentation?

    I'm pretty sure you found Revvys pet
  14. R

    brewing confession

    Ive been known to drink 1or 2 (ok 4or 5) of the uncarbonated beers I was bottling. I keg now but still just cant help myself. That isnt really cutting a corner, but definitely impatient.
  15. R

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2011?

    4 gal 80/- SA today= 14459
  16. R

    fastest fermentation i've seen...

    Damn, I think you just arrived in beer eutopia! It may go a bit more though.
  17. R

    Issues with yeast.....

    It could be but it's doubtful. How about some more info like recipe,sg,target fg and process?
  18. R

    Super Attenuation

    Here is the recipe breakdown 9# 2 row 1# 80 L .30# roasted barley .25# peat .75 oz centennial wlp002 mashed at 154 for 60 mins. Fly sparged until 7.5 gallons of wort collected. Boiled 1 hour and cooled to 76 degrees. Pitched 1 tube wlp002 and fermentation started in about 8 hours at...
  19. R

    Super Attenuation

    Well it seems that every time i get one brewing mystery figured out i run into another. In the past i have had an occasional beer go past its FG and never paid it much mind. In my last three beers I have had some crazy attenuation though. I didnt pay much thought to it until today. I...
  20. R

    100+ year old rhizome

    Its hard to say what they are. They came from a ranch in a very old part of Nevada. I dont think i'll ever find out. I have no idea what varieties grow naturally around here or where these ones were brought from. I hope they are some transplants from Germany or something. The ones he brought...