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  1. L

    Hydrometer vs Refractometer I don’t know the formula but here are the calculators.
  2. L


    Agreed My mill turns at around 180rpm with tons of torque. I have had no issues with it free spinning when loaded with grain. Also another thing is that with it all mounted and on a switch it frees up your hands to do other things. No need to push the trigger. It maybe a little slower than...
  3. L

    How do you do a 170 Degree WP with a plate or counter flow chiller?

    Some commercial breweries have a whirlpool kettle which is designed for this purpose.
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    Motorized Grain Mills: Time to show them off!

    Based on this post and a few others I built my own lil mill. Not as pretty as aeviaanah's, but it'll get the job done. Thanks everyone for the inspiring posts.
  5. L

    Thrifty RIMS canister from Nor Cal Brewing Solutions

    My Thrifty build! I cant wait to test it out.
  6. L

    What came in the mail for you today?

    Please let me know how that works for you. Thanks.
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    Thrifty RIMS canister from Nor Cal Brewing Solutions

    If I want to upgrade the PID to one with an SSR what would you recommend?
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    Thrifty RIMS tube: elements reviews?

    Got it, thanks. For some reason I wasn't thinking it was a standard plug.
  9. L

    Thrifty RIMS tube: elements reviews?

    Is it possible to make the elements cord longer? Would be nice to be able to locate the controller way a bit.
  10. L

    wyeast 1087

    Thanks, yeah it's an ale yeast blend they did awhile back, I heard good things about it and that it's available for commercial accounts, just hoping someone may have had or have it. Wlp060 is probably a sub for it.
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    wyeast 1087

    Does anyone know where I can find Wyeast 1087? I am not finding it with a google search. Thanks in advance.
  12. L

    FastFerment conical fermenter??????

    I used just a simple bucket spigot and placed it just right of the 2 gallon mark. Seems to work just fine. Does anyone have issue with the conical leaking? Mine seems to not seal very well above the valve. Any thought on addressing this is appreciated. Yes I rewrapped the threads.
  13. L

    Best and Worst Bottles for lable removal.

    Russian river cork and cage bottles have adhesive that is tough, same with Troegs corked bottles. Avery's foil on the top is also a pain in the but
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    FastFerment conical fermenter??????

    What is this sampling port you speak of?
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    How to make a yeast starter - Pictorial

    Anyone have any more information on why not to boil directly in the flask on an electric stove? I had though that was one of the reasons to use the flask. Nevermind, I found this post here. Glass top and ceramic tops stoves...
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    Help choosing a ro system

    3 RO housings 3 150gpd membranes 5 micron water filter filter housing brackets from freshwatersystems. The pump is an aquatec 8800 from Amazon Another link to a similar system is here. (Note in Sap we do not want a charcoal filter as it is destroy the sugar...
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    Help choosing a ro system

    Russ, I am looking to build an RO system similar to the one in the picture from the OP of the thread below. Would you be able to price components for me? Also was wondering your thoughts on running it parallel or in series? Should I as fo you if I call...
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    Adding a presure valve to a coke lid

    Thanks all, I basically came to the same conclusion that it is easiest to just buy a new lid. I do understand I can depress the poppet to also get some relief. I think the reason I will covert the one coke lid I have is because I have 1 coke lid and it is the odd ball in the group. Thanks...
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    FastFerment conical fermenter??????

    I was wondering about the one the drill the ff and added a bottling bucket port.
  20. L

    Adding a presure valve to a coke lid

    Has anyone ever drilled a coke lid to add the pressure valve like in a pepsi lid? Just wondering if there are any instructions about doing it ore any advise. thanks.