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  1. G

    For Sale Buffalo, NY - Selling my gear and ingredients

    Getting out of the homebrewing hobby and selling my equipment and supplies. Prices below are negotiable, especially if you're looking to buy multiple items. Pictures available on request. 10 gallon water cooler mash/lauter tun (has ball valve with hose barb bulkhead and metal braid) - $20...
  2. G

    Buffalo NY Grain Buy - Jan/Feb 2015

    Whatever is good for you. I live in Kenmore, FWIW.
  3. G

    Buffalo NY Grain Buy - Jan/Feb 2015

    Anyone willing to buy me a sack of Avangard Pils in exchange for a $50 NT Gift Certificate? I was going to use it to buy a sack of Pils malt at NT, but I'd like to support this grain buy plus its $11 less expensive. Sack of Avangard only runs $49 so technically you would be making $1.
  4. G

    Buffalo NY group buy?

  5. G

    Buffalo NY group buy?

    Check out MoreBeer. You can get 2-row from them for only $1.12/lb and wheat malt for only $1.21/lb. All of their other grains are on-par with local offerings price-wise. The key is to order in 10-lb bags instead of a full sack- that way you can take advantage of their free shipping-over-$59...
  6. G

    Buffalo NY group buy?

    It usually works out to about $35-40 shipped for a sack of domestic 2-row. Unmilled grain will stay good for a while- I've used grain over 18 months old without issues.
  7. G

    Buffalo NY group buy?

    Hey, I have an extra sack of 2-Row from a recent bulk buy that I can't see myself using in the next 6-8 months, and I need to downsize for an upcoming move, so I'm willing to sell it to anyone here who is interested. I will part with it for $40. PM me if you're interested.
  8. G

    Witbier What the WIT - White IPA

    Any fermentables you add will increase the OG. So, yes. Usually trub does not have an impact on hydrometer readings, although you should strive for a clear sample, at least so you can see the hydrometer. At any rate, looks like you've got fermentation going, so you're on the right path...
  9. G

    Witbier What the WIT - White IPA

    5 lbs of DME in 5 gallons will give you an OG of 1.045, and that's aside from the minimash. So either your volume is much greater than 5 gallons, you didn't use 5 lbs of DME, or you didn't read the hydrometer correctly. 4 lbs of DME in 6 gallons will give you an OG of 1.030. If your volume is...
  10. G

    Witbier What the WIT - White IPA

    1. You can go 2 ways with this. Option A is to use only 5 lbs of DME, and save the rest for another beer or for yeast starters. Option B is to use all 6 lbs, which will make the beer a bit bigger. If you go with option B, you'll have to up your hopping rates a little bit to account for the...
  11. G

    Buffalo NY group buy?

    I got a Barley Crusher recently, and have been using it for the past couple batches, and love it. For a long time, I was using a Corona milling station I put together. That milling station is collecting dust right now, I'd be willing to part with it if you're interested.
  12. G

    Witbier What the WIT - White IPA

    Here's my stab at it: Extract: Replace the grain with 6 lbs of Wheat DME (Briess Bavarian Wheat is a good example). However, you won't really get the creamy mouthfeel and color of this beer without using flaked wheat. For that you'll need a partial mash. Partial Mash: Mini-mash...
  13. G

    Buffalo NY group buy?

    You can check out Let's Do Wine on Transit Rd. in Depew. Never been there, but their website says they have sacks of Briess/Rahr 2-row for $55, which is probably the cheapest around. If you want wheat or MO, expect to pay in the 70s-80s.
  14. G

    Buffalo NY group buy?

    I'd be down for 2 sacks as well. John, are you willing and available for another round?
  15. G

    Buffalo NY group buy?

    Between this buy and syracuse, I think I'm good for the next 6 months...
  16. G

    Buffalo NY group buy?

    Hey b-boy, I can split that bag of Munich with you if you're still interested. Let me/us know.
  17. G

    Buffalo NY group buy?

    Just sent jdomres my order for 1 bag of pilsner malt. 9 more to go. Get the word out and see if we can get more brewers in on this.
  18. G

    Syracuse, ny - round 8 group grain buy

    Hey, any updates on when the next round will be taking place? I'm wondering if I should wait it out for another buy or place an order online...
  19. G

    Hello from Buffalo NY!

    That's what I did, lowered the temp about 5-10 degrees below ambient, even with strong fermentation. Temp is still really high (using California Lager yeast), but not crazy.
  20. G

    Hello from Buffalo NY!

    Welcome from a fellow Buffalonian (technically a Town of Tonawandan)! Hope you're taking the heat well, my currently fermenting beer is trying its best to keep its composure. I live in a duplex that doesn't have any central cooling, so I jury-rigged a swamp cooler to bring the temp down to 73-75...