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  1. C

    How do you make GOOD homebrew?

    Hi, I'm the OP and I guess you can say that I did sort out my issues, but not for the reasons I was originally looking. I ended up taking a break from brewing over the last year, partly due to time constraints with having young kids and partly due to finding a new hobby in woodworking. I do...
  2. C

    Jade IPA Foothills looking for recipe. Thx

    Nice! This was a fantastic beer! Traveled to Winston-Salem twice in the last couple months and was super disappointed when the Jade IPA ran out on my second trip.
  3. C

    Citrus "Nuclear Carpet Bomb" IPA

    Even in 2.5 gallons? I'm not doing a full batch on this one; otherwise I'd agree.
  4. C

    Citrus "Nuclear Carpet Bomb" IPA

    Looks like my post didn't go anywhere, but I still would appreciate some advice. Updated the recipe slightly since then: 0.25 lb Crystal 10 steeping grains 3.15 lb Maris Otter LME, 0.9 lb Pilsen DME, and 0.15 lb Sucrose: 1.064 OG Nottingham yeast, 5-6 grams rehydrated with O2 injection...
  5. C

    Is all extract created equal ?

    I would also like to know the name of the supplier. Just did my 21st brew last night and all of my recipes have used either Briess DME or Northern Brewer LME. I can say that the DME recipes have generally been better than the LME. Was looking through William's latest catalog and their...
  6. C

    BPA Recipe - Looking for Feedback.

    Looks really good, but plan on it finishing closer to 1.005 with that yeast. I made a Saison with Sorachi Ace and it was great. I bet it would be good with the Cascade. If you are concerned about the Bullion then don't use it. Not worth worrying about for something you are bittering with anyway
  7. C

    Citrus "Nuclear Carpet Bomb" IPA

    Need your help formulating an IPA with a HUGE citrus character. I researched "citrus bomb" and hop combinations and came up with some ideas but I thought I could go bigger so I'm calling this Citrus Nuclear Carpet Bomb IPA. Obviously, this recipe will focus on hops, so I'm curious about your...
  8. C

    Maris Otter LME fermentability

    Does anyone have any experience with the relatively new Maris Otter LME from Northern Brewer? I'm curious what your perception of its fermentability is. This will be my first time using it and I'm trying to decide if I put a little sugar in to help get the FG around 1.010-1.012. I expect it...
  9. C

    Free 6 oz Citra from Williams

    I'm surprised nobody posted this yet. Spend $74.99 or more at Williams brewing and enter coupon code X21 before Saturday 12/15/2013 at 3pm Pacific Time and they will throw in 6 oz of 2012 Citra hop pellets. Would be a good opportunity to stock up on some holiday brews or some gear, like...
  10. C

    First Saison

    Grains look a little complicated for a saison. Stay simple, that is one of the characteristics of a saison. Also look at 3711 yeast, it will chug through it even at 70F. Search on it, lots of info out there.
  11. C

    Quick and easy wheat recipe with Citra

    This beer turned out great! Thanks for the help with the Amarillo, Citra, and Cascade combination. I made this basically for one person who likes citrusy wheat beers and does not like "hoppy beers". He guessed that I used orange in the recipe, then was blown away when I told him the flavors...
  12. C

    Going from 5gal to 2.5gal batches

    My understanding about dry yeast is you need a certain weight of yeast given the volume and gravity you are fermenting. You don't grow the population by rehydrating, just wake it up. A dedicated yeast starter would be the only way to grow the population. Go to and check out the...
  13. C

    2.5gl Batch Boil Times?

    I've moved to 2.5 gallon batches with 30 minute boil for several reasons and it seems to be working out well so far. With my 5+ gallon batches I would do 50/50 early/late extract additions, but have just been adding all of it at the beginning of the 30 minute boil. Mostly just because the 30...
  14. C

    Hop schedule help to show off 1 type of hops

    Brewed my SMASH recipe above last night, so it will be about a month before it is ready. The hops smelled fantastic!
  15. C

    Hop schedule help to show off 1 type of hops

    I've also got 10 oz and will be doing a SMASH with it soon. Note that this is extract and a 2-1/2 gallon batch. My Mosaic is 2012 leaf and 12.3%. Using 5 oz in 2.5 gallons should give a good idea of what Mosaic is all about. Mosaic Semi-SMASH 2.5 gal: 3.5 lbs Briess Pilsen DME and...
  16. C

    Mosaic Hops. Anyone used them?

    Considering this recipe to brew hopefully some time over the next couple of days. Note that this is extract and a 2-1/2 gallon batch. My Mosaic is 2012 leaf and 12.3%. Using 5 oz in 2.5 gallons should give a good idea of what Mosaic is all about. Mosaic Semi-SMASH 2.5 gal: 3.5 lbs...
  17. C

    Mosaic Hops. Anyone used them?

    Just got 10oz from Freshops yesterday and considering using them in a small batch, all late Mosiac IPA. Curious what others think of them.
  18. C

    Simcoe Amarillo IPA, what do ya'll think

    Update us when this is ready. A recipe endorsed by bobbrews always gets my attention. I may brew this soon, but scale down to 2.5 gallon batch.
  19. C

    Quick and easy wheat recipe with Citra

    How's this look? I dropped the volume to 2.5 post-boil so I could use just a single 3 lb bag of DME and get the gravity I wanted. Using the idea of mixing the hops equally, the Amarillo, Citra, and Cascade average AA is 9.6% 3 lbs Wheat DME in 2.5 gallons: 1.052 OG 0.5 oz hop mix @ 30...
  20. C

    Quick and easy wheat recipe with Citra

    Well, I've got 6 pounds of fresh hops but I just picked up 1oz of Cascade to use in this brew! Also forgot that I have 2011 pellet Amarillo and Citra, so maybe I'll use those so I don't feel bad about using any of my 2012 leaf hops. I'm kind of liking how you guys make the the Amarillo...