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    4th of July Sale + 10% OFF ALL KEG KITS HBT Exclusive -

    Code please. Looking to do the Paintball tank portable cooler! Thanks.
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    DIY Walk In Cooler Build

    I know John Beere built his own door for a Walk-in. I think it is around post 100 where he details out building a door using the wall-board and insulation panels... Awesome project. :rockin:
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    Odd Bottles

    You could cork them, and then put the Voss cap back on to keep the cork from unseating (word?) itself.
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    How many gallons of EdWort's Apfelwein have been made?

    26381.50 (Kegged 5 and 1 extra gallon in a growler)
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    April 2013 New England Group Buy

    I will be there at 1230 to help sort and pick up.
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    April 2013 New England Group Buy

    DNuggs, I work in Waltham. let's figure something out.
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    April 2013 New England Group Buy

    Sick day Tuesday? Count me in. If we set a time, let me know and I'll be there. I can pick up grains for people in the Watertown Area (limit 6 bags.)
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    April 2013 New England Group Buy

    I am available either early AM any day this week (before 630) or after 7 PM. I will be around this coming weekend.
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    Beni-Koji. Red Yeast Rice. Old School... like really really Old School

    So I started a 1 Qt jar of Jasmine Rice with RYR and Yeast balls 2 weeks ago. I smelled it last night and tasted it. I was amazed at how good it tastes. Definitely some alcohol heat coming through along with the fruit flavors. My girlfriend tried it and asked if we can flavor it with fruit...
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    where can I buy cheap 2000 or 3000 watt elements?

    Home Depot for the 2000 watt 120v. $10.00
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    Kegerator cabinet

    Sweet Build! Do you have the dimensions for this and/or the cut list if your brother cares to share? :mug:
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    April 2013 New England Group Buy

    With so much CM-2ROW being ordered, I wonder how a 1100 lb tote would work out... :p. Call me crazy, but the pricing on that takes ~$3 per 55-lb bag off of the price. I don't know if Redman has the space, so disregard this comment as it is just random musing.
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    April 2013 New England Group Buy

    Is this still open? Look away for 5 minutes and this thing fills up.
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    Countertop electric build-- please help?

    I just finished my Countertop Brutus (Jkarp) clone about 2 months ago. I didn't take any pictures during the build (too forgetful/focused on getting it done :o). If you have any questions shoot me a message. I know it took me several reads and re-reads of the thread to get everything put...
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    Separatory Funnels as Fermenter Sorry about the bad link... Also, I know the 5L option is $200+, has anyone found a cheaper version?
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    Separatory Funnels as Fermenter

    As the title suggests... Does anyone have any experience using these as fermenters? I think it would be really cool to rig up a bank of two or three of these on a board and put it in my fermentation chamber. Particularly...
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    Portable igloo cooler kegerator

    bookmarked so I can have this for summer. Thanks to the OP!
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    Coffin Keezer List

    Vote for Sticky! This is a great resource. I'm working on the design for mine now... Must find more hours in the day.
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    GE 7.0 Coffin Keezer Build

    Nice job!
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    New England Group Grain Buy

    I would be interested in a couple of bags when this goes live. Thanks,