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  1. R

    Recipe Scaling - Increased efficiency?

    In an extract brewing world the speciality grains are steeped and provide colors/flavours without adding fermentable sugars. I can't see how 10-12oz of chocolate malt or roasted barley can provide the same color as a lb of it.
  2. R

    Recipe Scaling - Increased efficiency?

    So I have been brewing on a brewzilla the past 5-6 years and have been getting 68% brewhouse efficiency. I recently bought a grainfather G40 and am getting 80+% efficiency, which is obviously a good thing. My problem now is converting my 5 gallon recipes like I enjoy in brewfather. In a 5 gal...
  3. R

    Faucet adapter

    Reviving an old thread, but what about me? Having problems connecting any of the 3 faucet adapters for my cold in on my grainfather chiller. Here is my pfister faucet. If you can link parts if you know something that would work that would be great!
  4. R

    Lutra Omega Yeast Washing --> Seltzers

    Awesome that is exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks!
  5. R

    Lutra Omega Yeast Washing --> Seltzers

    Omega yeast is hard to come by locally, but I am going to get my hands on some Lutra along with the propper seltzer nutrient to make a seltzer. Due to the cost of shipping and availability I was wondering if it is possible to wash and reuse Lutra yeast to continue to make seltzers off of a...
  6. R

    Can someone buy/ship some Omega Bananza?

    I was hoping a fellow homebrew could help me put. $40USD to ship is like 60cad
  7. R

    Can someone buy/ship some Omega Bananza?

    I live in Canada and I contacted everyone and no one carries or is going to carry Omegas new Bananza yeast. Companies in the US will not ship it to me either. I am hoping someone on this forum can ship me some in a cold packet and I will cover the cost of shipping and yeast. I realize it's not...
  8. R

    Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer Triple Chocolate Milk Stout - Chocolate Lovers Only!

    Gravity should be a bit higher due to the lactose, but that still seems a bit high. Maybe pitch the other half packet
  9. R

    Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer Really Easy Fruit Sour

    Do you sprinkle the philly sour in the kettle or the fermentor along with the s-05?
  10. R

    Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer Really Easy Fruit Sour

    I have never brewed a sour beer, looking to try this with a bag of mixed berries (blackberry, blueberry, raspberry). My lhbs sell the wildbrew sour pitch for $24.99, but also sell the lallemand wildbrew philly sour for $7.99. Would the philly sour work in this method as well?
  11. R

    American Stout Sweet Baby Jesus Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Porter Clone

    I made some changes. This was my last batch that turned out very well: 10.5lb maris otter 1.25lb munich ii 10oz chocolate 10oz carafa special ii 8oz flaked barley 8oz crystal 75 Nugget @60mins bitter to 35IBU I used Dennys Fav yeast this batch 4oz cacao nibs secondary 4oz brewers best pb at...
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    Escarpment Labs "Krispy"

  13. R

    Escarpment Labs "Krispy"

    Anyone use this yeast? Experiences/opinions? I have used omega hothead yeast and really enjoyed it. This yeast sounds right up my ally as I don't have great fermentation control
  14. R

    Cream Ale..brownish?..Specialty grains?

    Reason for this post is I would like to make a clone or something similar. This is what I have so far: 4lb 2 row 4lb pils 1lb munich i .5 biscuit .5 c60 Bitter with centennial, finish with sterling, s05
  15. R

    Cream Ale..brownish?..Specialty grains?

    I am completely aware of what a classic cream ale is. That doesn't change thr fact that I keep seeing beers like this pop up and I really enjoy them as I drink a lot of reds/browns. As stated above 5 malts isn't just adding a small bit of chocolate.
  16. R

    Cream Ale..brownish?..Specialty grains?

    The 2nd beer says 5 malts. I am not thinking sinamar. Was thinking something along the lines of 2row, vienna, munich, biscuit, c40/60/carared
  17. R

    Cream Ale..brownish?..Specialty grains?

    So I have had a few beers now that I have really enjoyed, bit can't seem to build a recipe for. The beers claim themselves as cream ales but are a copper/brown color. The first is Granville Islands Maple Shack Cream Ale: "This malty, smooth maple cream ale has a hint of maple syrup, with a mild...
  18. R

    Saison Hi Nelson! Nelson Hopped Saison w/Hibiscus

    So I finally made this with some tweeks. Subbed vienna for the munich to lighten the beer to bring the pink color out more and still have the maltiness and upped the nelson hops: 11lbs pilsner 1lb vienna .5lb oats .5lb wheat 1lb dextrose .5oz 60mins .75oz 15mins .75oz 5mins 1oz 0mins 2oz dry...