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  1. L

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 41!

    Paid via PayPal.
  2. L

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 41!

    Please add 1 bag of the AVANGARD Light Munich to my order, please!
  3. L

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 41!

    1X Briess 2-row 1X AVANGARD Primo Pils 1X Munt's Maris Otter please n thank you!
  4. L


    I'm in West Wilmington, so these places are just a bit farther away from you. The best stocked LHBS is How Do You Brew in Newark 203 Louviers Dr, Newark, DE. For the C02- try G+E Welding Supply in New Castle 281 Airport Rd, New Castle, DE 19720- 12.50 per 5 lb tank as of a month ago...
  5. L

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 40!

    1- TF Maris Otter 1- Best malz pils 1- great western 2 row
  6. L

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 39!

    Paid- thanks again for the group buy!
  7. L

    South Jersey/Philly Group Buy Round 39!

    1-T. Fawcett Maris Otter 2-Briess 2 row please and thank you!
  8. L


    Wilmington Brewer here. been brewin' three years now- the only thing is that i've been traveling around the country for work past couple years- whenever at home, i brew my butt off.. i kicked out 8 batches in five months last sint home.