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  1. K

    Looking for Pliny

    Pliny=Good Heady/Zombie = Better Don't get ridiculously high expectations, or you will be disappointed in any beer...
  2. K

    Bayshore Beerfest WTF

    I have gone to two separate festivals with two very different different experiences... 1) St. Louis Brewers Heritage Festival...Large event, lots of people, and mainly like your experience... small talk, order, fill cup, walk away 2) Ska Brewing 15th anniversary Brew Fest...COMPLETELY...
  3. K

    Where the heck is East Alton???

    I knew where east alton was...grew up in Florissant, MO! Welcome to the board!
  4. K

    A "what if" question about fermtation never happening.

    I actually had this happen to me a few weeks back, and took a hydrometer reading and still had the same reading from when I brewed it! Under the advice from the guys at austin homebrew (where I purchased the kit), I pitched some nottingham after rehydrating it, and viola! I had fermentation...
  5. K

    Newb questions....

    The vodka will be fine...and starsan is a no rinse sanitizer!
  6. K

    Am I the only guy that actually enjoys bottling ?

    On my first batch, I had SWMBO helping me and the process went smoothly...My second batch I just bottled last week by myself, but I have added a bottling tree and vinator to my arsenal of ever growing brewing equipment and the process went super smooth (minus my forgetting to crimp a bomber that...
  7. K

    Help with AHB Cherry Stout

    I am just going to let it sit and I will check it this weekend...Supposed to sit for 5-7 days and then transfer, so I will check the gravity and see whats going on! Thanks for the opinions guys!
  8. K

    Help with AHB Cherry Stout

    Thanks for the advice! I'm not worried, more curious...This is the "smallest" beer I've made with an expected OG of 1.050 and I hit 1.047...This is only my third beer, so I am definitely still learning! So, I didn't know if I should expect as much airlock activity as my previous two beers, both...
  9. K

    Help with AHB Cherry Stout

    Hey guys, I brewed Austin Homebrew's Cherry Stout on Sunday evening (about 48 hrs ago), and I failed to aerate the wort once it was cooled with the yeast pitched. I did so after noticing no airlock activity after 24-36 hrs, and peaking through the airlock hole and seeing no krausen forming. I...
  10. K

    Ideas for a Warm Fermenting Brew?!?!

    hmmm...I hadn't thought of doing a Saison, but that may be the best route to go for this batch, and then something a bit cooler fermenting as it cools here in the mountains... Thanks for the suggestions, and keep them coming!
  11. K

    Ideas for a Warm Fermenting Brew?!?!

    Hey all, I have successfully completed my move to Colorado, and I am now looking for ideas on what I can brew without getting lots of off flavors. The house I live in is not air conditioned, so during the day (lately) the house is getting up to around 78 degrees, but cools down to around 67 at...
  12. K

    White spots on top of my beer in secondary?

    +1 I have read this several times on the board, and usually it settles out
  13. K

    Worst beer I've ever had...

    I guess its all a matter of taste....I enjoy the Sunset Wheat on a hot summer night...although it is definitely not a beer that you can drink several bottles least not for me. After about two, the sweetness is too much for me. My wife loves Sunset and summer Shandy (I'm not a fan of the...
  14. K

    Poured my First Homebrew

    I'm with you fatmoose...I am getting ready to buy a couple of kits (after a move) and I am not even considering ordering from Williams for this reason. I'm definitely still learning, and I'd like to be able to replicate a beer that I make later on if I want to. The only thing we can do is speak...
  15. K

    Poured my First Homebrew

    Yep, it was the Belgian Harvest Ale kit from Williams Brewing... I bought my starter kit from them and got that kit to start my brewing! My only complaint about the kit is that it doesn't tell you what you are putting in your...
  16. K

    Poured my First Homebrew (links) aren't showing up....
  17. K

    Poured my First Homebrew

    I brewed this back on February 22nd, and have sampled a few along the way, but it is really coming into its own now. I'm not sure if the pictures will show up properly, so bare with me! I had a few friends and family over for a BBQ and a few homebrews! :mug: Thanks for all the help...
  18. K

    Holy Crap KBS is awesome!!!

    After reading all of the rave reviews of the Founders Breakfast Stout on here, I decided to seek it out locally (St. Louis). It just so happened that in the "Lager Head" section of the local newspaper, they did a review of it and said that the St. Louis area had just received its allotment. So...
  19. K

    Adding fruit zests....screwup?

    Let me tell you....My first (and only, so far) batch was finished cooling down to 70 degrees, and was preparing the lid/airlock when I realized I left something in the bucket before filling with the transfer....I freaked out and stuck my arm in to fetch it from the bottom, but couldn't find it...