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  1. C

    New England Grain Buy December 2015

    Great news!
  2. C

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2016?

    3577+15 of Ruby red grapefruit crush DIPA 3592
  3. C

    New England Grain Buy December 2015

    Boycott all LHBS's.. One bad apple ruin it for all of us... We can ruin it for all of them.. Easy peezy..
  4. C

    New England Grain Buy December 2015

    Thanks guys for setting this up... successful pickup as usual.
  5. C

    New England Grain Buy December 2015

    Ok thunder001..
  6. C

    New England Grain Buy December 2015

    Im coming from Coventry RI if anyone needs me to grab their bags.
  7. C

    New England Grain Buy December 2015

    Im in for a few... Thanks again for setting this up. Are the hops on the catalog by the pound?
  8. C

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2016?

    232+15 gallons of a session IPA = 247
  9. C

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2015?

    26395.5 +15 Brown and 18 Clangtoberfest = 26428.5
  10. C

    New England June 2015 Grain Buy

    Someone in Maine has Jim beam barrels for 150 each on craigslist..
  11. C

    New mash tun kettle filtering options...

    I'm swapping out my cooler tun for a 25g kettle and was wondering was the consensus is on best mash filters. I run a 30a panel with RIMS. Some say false bottom but I can't seem to find a 20" bottom that's domed and has small <3/32 holes. I've heard about people wrapping their false bottoms...
  12. C

    List of PJ Electrical Diagrams

    That's the one I'm ordering.. Wasn't sure if DC input was right..
  13. C

    List of PJ Electrical Diagrams

    Can anyone read the part numbers on the SSR in this drawing?
  14. C

    List of PJ Electrical Diagrams

    Pj.. I blew out an SSR ang PID. Can't read the SSR label. Can you see it? Send me the part number? Thanks
  15. C

    What I did for beer today

    Melt down in the brewery
  16. C

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2015?

    23776+10 Wicked Belgian Triple... 23786
  17. C

    First hard cider help

    Ok, thanks.
  18. C

    First hard cider help

    I can leave it.. No problem with that. Its in a 5 gallon carboy. Theres a bit of headspace. I leave this coming Saturday, so it'll be about 26 days in the fermenter. Is that too long?