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  1. K

    First try at cider

    I'm going to try some still and some lightly carbonated. My wife likes a local Michigan Cider that is very dry and lightly carbonated. This year is all trial and error for me. Doing it in 1 gallon batches with different yeast strains as well to see what I like best. If I want to sweeten it I...
  2. K

    First try at cider

    I'm actually not a huge cider guy but I'm making it for my wife. After 24 years and her not finding a beer she likes I'm giving in. LOL She likes a real dry cider and I like a not so dry cider so I'm trying to find a happy medium since I drink way more than she does. I noticed your comment about...
  3. K

    First try at cider

    I have a few questions regarding my current fermenting batch of cider. #1 Is it like wine or is it ok to have a small amount of headspace in the secondary? #2 Is there a difference between aging in the secondary or bottle aging in the flavor profile? Thanks in advance, Ken
  4. K

    Cherry chocolate stout help

    4 to 6 weeks. That's funny. The only way a Stout will last that long at my house is if someone hides them from me. LOL I got side tracked with an Octoberfest. Racking my Red Rye PA to the bottling bucket today and the Octoberfest to a secondary. Probably start my Stout next week and I'll keep...
  5. K

    Dry Hopping (with pellets) question

    I'm wondering if I went to the secondary too soon. I used a smack pack yeast and had aggressive airlock activity for three days. After three days The airlock was up but no activity. I let it go four more days for a total of seven days in the primary. I racked to the secondary and its been dry...
  6. K

    Oktoberfest ale recipe

    My first one is three days in the primary now. I used a German Kolsch Ale Yeast WLP029 and there is a mild banana scent coming from the air lock. Hoping it turns out well as its my first time making an Octoberfest. I'm using the recipe from my local Homebrew shop Adventures in Homebrewing in...
  7. K

    Dry Hopping (with pellets) question

    I made a recipe that had me use pellet hops for dry hopping in the secondary. The recipe called for seven days in the secondary after the hop addition. After seven days some of the hop crud hasn't settled to the bottom of the carboy. I'd like to see if more settles before racking to my bottling...
  8. K

    Cherry chocolate stout help

    I just picked 20 pounds of blueberries from an organic you pick farm. Set aside a big bag in the freezer. Going to make a Blueberry Oatmeal Stout.
  9. K

    First ever batch of hard Cider this fall

    They are tart and delicious. I wouldn't try to make a 5 gallon batch or anything probably just a few gallons. If I couldn't find someone with a press I have a heavy duty juicer I could try.
  10. K

    Reusing yeast

    So what would you use for an Octoberfest but using an ale yeast and temperatures?
  11. K

    Reusing yeast

    I'm just wondering if the 1007 some of u recommended might be better than the one I was going to use. I could still save some of this 1056 American Ale for the batch after I guess.....Yooper any comments on these strains?
  12. K

    Reusing yeast

    The package was still in the basement garbage. It was a 1056 American Ale yeast. Would this change any opinions?
  13. K

    Reusing yeast

    It was a liquid smack pack. I'd ask the guys at the shop before I did it. They log every purchase into their computer.
  14. K

    Reusing yeast

    I just started back brewing after several years off. Like a rookie I didn't log the number that was on the yeast so I can't tell you the strain. I'd have to stop by the shop. It was an American Ale smack pack but I'm not sure of the numbers on it if that helps. I'll probably just spend the $6 on...
  15. K

    Reusing yeast

    It's more of screwing around and having some fun than saving the money. My local Homebrew shop has the Octoberfest kit on sale for $20 right now.
  16. K

    Reusing yeast

    I'm going from a Red Rye PA to an Octoberfest. It is an American Ale yeast as I don't have a way to Lager the Octoberfest. Any thoughts?
  17. K

    Reusing yeast

    I'm getting ready to brew a consecutive batch that I can use the same style yeast. My beer is still in the primary from the first batch. Ive never reused a yeast before. What's the best method? Thanks in advance, Ken
  18. K

    First ever batch of hard Cider this fall

    Also the property I deer hunt on is loaded with apple trees that are good for eating. Not sure what variety they are but I eat them off the trees in the fall. I was wondering what type of cider they would make if I pressed them myself.
  19. K

    First ever batch of hard Cider this fall

    End of October is last press here in Michigan for our apples. Thats when I was going to buy. August press is way too thin.
  20. K

    First ever batch of hard Cider this fall

    I have all those extra ingredients from making wine already which is a plus. Do you guys top off your carboys with no head space like wine or is cider less likely to oxidize than wine?