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  1. M

    Serving with beer gas at cellar temp

    Hey guys, I currently keg all of my beer and dispense with co2 and standard faucets. Where it gets different is I don't have a fridge for my kegs. Part of it is choice (love English styles) and part of it is space. Either way, my beer never seems to sway from 50-55F and I dispense at around 12...
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    Pumpkin Pie Spice Booger

    Same thing happened to me with vodka and pumpkin pie spice. The snot even got dumped into the keg by accident, but it quickly sank and got sucked out with the first pour. The beer turned out just fine though.
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    Brewmasters Warehouse

    One more recent experience from me and I'll refrain from posting here unless something changes. Otherwise, BMW is back to being my go-to online shop for ingredients. I ordered ingredients for a batch the day before Thanksgiving. They shipped that same day and they arrived Saturday. This is the...
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    Funny things you've overheard about beer

    Started doing this about a year ago. My family is the same way. I brought sixers to a couple of their functions. No one touched any, yet I couldn't take it back home because they insisted they were going to "drink it later". Conveniently no one could remember what it was like when I asked how...
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    the grape and granary

    Does anyone have anything to report on all grain recipes from these guys? Their prices seem great, but looking through the different styles, I noticed they assume 70% efficiency on some recipes and 75% on others at random. Also, some recipes list the crystal lovibond (i.e. crystal 60), while...
  6. M

    Frustrated with keg expense

    I just started with one keg and bought myself an upgrade every Christmas and birthday whether it was another keg, distributor, etc. Just have your final setup in your mind and buy stuff that facilitates it. For example don't buy a single body regulator now if you know you'll want/need a dual...
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    Midwest Supplies

    As a follow up to my original post, I received an envelope yesterday which contained two packs of yeast. That's a help, because now I have yeast for my next two batches since I wasn't planning on ordering kits for the time being.
  8. M

    California Common California Common (Anchor Steam Clone) Extract and AG

    Mine has been in the keg for 11 days and I decided to pull a small sample. Really nice hop flavor and aroma, but bitterness is still pretty high at this point. Honestly it tastes like I imagine fresh Anchor Steam would taste.
  9. M

    Midwest Supplies

    Nope, didn't have time before brew day. I'm in no hurry for it now, so I'll give it a couple more days.
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    Midwest Supplies

    Just wanted to share my latest experience with Midwest. I bought a recipe kit from Midwest through Amazon (had a gift card to burn) and it arrived quickly, within 3 or 4 days. I opened it up a few days before brew day, which is when I realized they left out the yeast. Well, the plan was that I...
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    Midwest's Pumpkin Ale hops

    That's good to know. Maybe the Cascade mixed with the pumpkin flavors caused the funky taste, then the hops faded over time and it tasted good? I decided to hold back the late addition hops anyway. This batch is for my wife and she's not a hop fan by any stretch of the imagination. I'll try to...
  12. M

    Midwest's Pumpkin Ale hops

    Well I'll be brewing Midwest's Pumpkin Ale kit soon. I know it's late in the season but I'm not rushing it. The wife is in the mood for some so I thought I'd make a batch. Anyway, looking over the recipe, it calls for 1oz of Mt. Hood for 60min and 1oz of Cascade for 2min. Shouldn't that be the...
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    NIght Brews?

    Another ninja dad night brewer chiming in. Otherwise I'd never do it. I'd have to go to bed about two hours before dinner.
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    "Hop Tea" method for adding aromatics

    I have a Keurig K-cup brewer with the fine mesh basket attachment so you can use your own coffee. Would I be able to make a decent hop tea with this thing? The hops wouldn't be steeped per se, because the hot water (~170F) just gets pumped through the basket. But I suppose if I make one cup...
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    Brewmasters Warehouse

    I wanted to chime in with another order experience. I ordered a basic grain bill (already have the hops and yeast) on Sunday night and I got a shipping notification Monday afternoon. Really fast turnaround on this one. The package arrived this morning.
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    California Common California Common (Anchor Steam Clone) Extract and AG

    I have exactly the right amount of NB for this thing, so I just ordered grains for it. I'll be pitching old washed Chico in it which has been giving me slight peachy esters lately. Should be really good. Would dry hopping with an additional half ounce of NB be appropriate or would that detract...
  17. M

    First BIAB/No Chill Brew This Weekend

    If you have a pot where you can clamp the lid on, take some plastic wrap and slap it around the lid before you clamp it on. Since the temperature difference will cause air to be sucked into the pot, the plastic wrap creates a nice seal. Works great.
  18. M

    First BIAB/No Chill Brew This Weekend

    This is exactly how I brew and I love it. Add in kegging and it's pure heaven. Actually, I've even done a huge barleywine with this method. Primary was three weeks in the brew pot and then kegged with gelatin. After eight months of aging, I blew all the sediment out with the first pull and it's...
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    Ever Brew a Good DFH Raison D'etre Clone?

    Reason FOR being :) I love this beer. I'd be interested in trying a clone too. Haven't found anything concrete yet but still looking.
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    roasted barley versus black patent

    I love black malt with lactose. You still get all the great coffee and bitter chocolate flavors and a lot of the astringency gets offset by the lactose to the point that it's not noticeable. That's probably just my weird tastes though.