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  1. S

    New England Grain Buy December 2015

  2. S

    New England Grain Buy December 2015

    I want to add a new type of grain (full bag of Victory). Do I just add it to the sheet using the abbreviation from the price list, or does some type of formula need to be entered so the cost estimate is accurate?
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    New England Grain Buy January 2015

    Thanks, Luther, I appreciate that. I am not sure how I made that mistake, as I always purchase CM , but thanks for correcting it.
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    New England Grain Buy Sept 2014

    Are you planning to close the buy after 3 pallets fill? Right now the sheet says there will be a total of 168 bags, which I believe is four pallets.
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    Apple Ale

    I brew a crabapple ale every year that I think comes out pretty well. I brew a basic wheat beer base (1.054 OG) and after fermentation is complete, I add about four pounds of crabapples directly to the fermenter. Mine has a pretty pronounced apple flavor, so you could dial back the amount of...
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    New England Group Buy May 2014

    I had a similar issue, but I disassembled and thoroughly cleaned the rollers and now my mill works perfectly again. I think the problem was that the rollers got packed with grain dust, which prevented the teeth from grabbing the grain kernels and pulling them through the rollers.
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    New England Group Buy May 2014

    BTW, I got one of the containers and they were pretty nice. IMO, definitely worth the $5.
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    New England Group Buy May 2014

    I believe that Redman picked up a bunch of these before the last buy and let people have them at cost. I believe that the guy only lives about 5 minutes away from the pickup. You might want to send Redman a PM.
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    Lager Yeast in a Blonde

    I see, so I assume the finished beer (using a kolsch yeast) has lager-like qualities? Has anyone used a bottom-fermenting lager yeast on a blonde?
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    Lager Yeast in a Blonde

    Is kolsch yeast a lager (i.e. bottom-fermenting) or an ale (i.e. top-fermenting) yeast?
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    Lager Yeast in a Blonde

    In BCS, Jamil includes his blonde ale in the "Light Hybrid" category. He states that a blonde can be brewed using ale or lager yeast, although he says that if lager yeast is used, it should be fermented at slightly higher than normal lager temps. I had never thought of a blonde as a "hybrid,"...
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    Ruthless Rye Clone Substitute

    You could also just use your Magnum for bittering as well. Matching the AA% (or adjusting the amount used based on AA%) is more important in a bittering addition than the hop type.
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    Blonde Ale

    Have you looked at the recipe for Biermuncher's Centennial Blonde? That is my go-to blonde ale.
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    Fermenting W-34/70 at Top of Temp. Range

    Yeah, so far I have been very pleased with it. Last night, I sampled the Oktoberfest that I made with the washed 34/70 and, again, no trace of any off flavors. The real test will be with the Munich Helles I am brewing next, as I imagine that there will be no place for any diacetyl to hide if...
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    Fermenting W-34/70 at Top of Temp. Range

    For what it is worth, I went ahead and brewed a Schwarzbier using this yeast. It fermented at my basement ambient temperature, which was about 56 degrees F, so the wort probably ended up close to 60 during the heat of fermentation. Due to my lack of temperature control and inability to move the...
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    The Frugal Gourmet

    I used to watch the Frugal Gourmet on Saturday afternoon when I was in high school. (Right before Yan Can Cook.) The first cookbook I ever owned was an autographed copy of "The Frugal Gourmet Cooks American."
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    December 2013 New England Grain Buy

    I will be there to sort as well.
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    Free 1 Year Paid Supporting Membership

    American Amber Ale
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    December 2013 New England Grain Buy

    If you get a chance, could you post a pic of the barrels? Thanks.
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    December 2013 New England Grain Buy

    I am happy to help sort.