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  1. N

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round #19

    Anyone heading further East after picking their grain up? Would love to arrange a grain carpool
  2. N

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round #19

    It is too early to start arranging for grain carpooling? Anyone going to be picking up and heading to CT?
  3. N

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round #19

    Sorry to be a bother, but would it be possible for me to actually get another bag of 2 Row too so a total of 2 x 2 Row, 2 x Pilsner and 1 x Wheat? If order's can't be changed at this point or it's a PITA then no worries.
  4. N

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round #19

    I'm in for 2 x Pilsner 1 x 2 Row 1 x Wheat
  5. N

    HOWTO - Make a BrewPi Fermentation Controller For Cheap

    Hi all, Trying to set up an installation of brewpi with an old arduino and brewpi. I read about how I have to use the legacy branch so I installed it from a fresh in stall of Debian Wheezy. I did so by following the current instructions posted on HomebrewTalk So after doing that the script...
  6. N

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round#12

    Where in Central CT? I'll take you up on that offer. Also, howdy neighbor.
  7. N

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round#12

    I'm down for: Rahr 2 Row x 2 Sacks Pilsner x 1 Sack Wheat x 1 Sack
  8. N

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round#11

    I'm in for six sacks 2 x 2 Row 1 x Pilsner 1 x Wheat
  9. N

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round#11

    I'm conditionally in on for three sacks - two sacks of two row and one of pilsner. Is anyone else in CT who wants to arrange to carpool our grain? I can probably do the next one but it's very unlikely I'll be able to make it up this order.
  10. N

    Brewtroller on an Arduino Mega Help

    Hi guys. I just got an update via email on this thread almost a year after I gave up on it. I'm really excited that people are still doing this. I stopped because the project was too much for me to do singlehandedly because of Law School. Someone suggested that we get the code up on GitHub. I...
  11. N

    Brewtroller on an Arduino Mega Help

    Hey guys, sorry, long time no see. School got pretty intense but just finished my last exam. I'd love to work more on this, especially if anyone else want to collaborate. We could get a wiki going or something. For the mean time, If anyone is interested I was thinking of doing a screencap video...
  12. N

    Heady Topper- Can you clone it?

    Actually, not that many cows here. Definitely not many people either. Have a vial left up for grab btw. The more minds working towards the cloning cause the quicker we'll get there so if anyone wants to claim it lemme know.
  13. N

    Texas $150 kegerator kit

    If the others don't work out I'd be interested in everything but the CO2 bottle and regulator. Lemme know
  14. N

    Heady Topper- Can you clone it?

    I think you both are forgetting the part where he tells you that the secret ingredient is magic and no one else can brew the beer because kimmich is in fact a wizard. Anyways, we should still try. Got my first batch of Conan ready for mailing as of this morning. Uploaded with...
  15. N

    Heady Topper- Can you clone it?

    I have to say, I'm on your side. Ever since the double batches heady tastes different. The two four packs I got last week have noticably less tropical fruit on the palate than I was used to. I thought I was crazy, maybe I am, or maybe they're just still getting used to a bigger batch size...
  16. N

    Wisconsin Wanted: 1/2" 2-way and 3-way motorized ball valves

    I'm also looking for valves, if we get a few more together we could possibly get a group buy going and get a better deal for everyone.
  17. N

    FT: Heady Topper ISO: Westy(12), Pliney, Fantóme,

    Hey everybody. I'm new to trading beer and think I overestimated (actually, know I overestimated) the trading value of topper. Sorry to anyone I offended or lowballed.
  18. N

    Heady Topper- Can you clone it?

    Yeah, don't hold it against me though.
  19. N

    Heady Topper- Can you clone it?

    ...I mean, that seems like a pretty generous offer. I'm suspicious though that you're just using me for the beer.
  20. N

    Heady Topper- Can you clone it?

    Sorry to interrupt what looks like a pretty heated bittering debate but I just picked up some HT today and started a culture. Although I don't know exactly when it will be ready for shipping out (I just started the culture today) I'd like to do what I can to contribute to the effort so if...