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  1. jeffandmaggielou

    Should I add maltodextrin to my Belgian Tripel?

    In case anyone was curious about the followup: I finally transferred to keg today and the FG landed at .992 somehow. Both the tilt and hydrometer agree -- it really is that low. Smells great, tastes better than I expected but very thin and still a little boozy. Gonna carb it up and see how...
  2. jeffandmaggielou

    Should I add maltodextrin to my Belgian Tripel?

    Ok, so again, thanks for the responses. I do appreciate the feedback and it makes sense to me. Let me ask another question along the same lines: the beer, as is, is boozy and thin. Will that improve with age? If I keg it as is but decide I want to try to amend the mouthfeel down the road...
  3. jeffandmaggielou

    Should I add maltodextrin to my Belgian Tripel?

    Thanks for the responses. Ok, so to answer some questions/provide more information. The hydrometer reading seems real. My Tilt said .996. I pulled a sample and tested with the old fashioned hydrometer and it said .997. I tried the hydrometer in water and it read an even 1.000. The...
  4. jeffandmaggielou

    Should I add maltodextrin to my Belgian Tripel?

    I brewed a tripel 3 weeks ago and apparently made the world's most fermentable wort. OG was 1.070 (ended up lower than I was hoping for). Fermented at 68-72 with WLP530, and just finished after 21 days of steady bubbling at .996! I'm giving it another week to settle out and clean up and in...