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  1. C

    Hi all!

    Thanks, good info
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    Hi all!

    IslandLizard, Thanks for that reply. Not to hijack the thread, but I am looking into using a 3500w induction cooker with a Blichmann 10g kettle. Just wondering if the kettle is too large for the induction surface. Also wondering about how accurate is temperature management using this type of...
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    Hi all!

    IslandLizard, What size pot do you use on that model?
  4. C

    Do NOT taste the Hopshot extract!

    I tried using Incognito, and as soon as I opened the jar and smelled it, I of course had to put a bit on my tongue to taste it. Whoops! This Dumb and Dumber scene captures it best.
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    Spring 2024 Corny Keg Giveaway

    Brewed a Belgian Golden Strong in early March. It’s been aging for a few weeks in the keg. Plan to begin carb in 2 days, then age for ~6 weeks.
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    How do you store and then repurpose cornys?

    I always clean my kegs after use, rinse, then throw in 1/4-1/2 gal Starsan. I shake it up, pressurize to ~15psi, depress the liquid out until some sanitizer comes out, turn it upside down and depress the CO2 to let a bit leak out, and also the PRV. I stack them in a corner and leave them until I...
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    Your experience with electric brewing systems?

    I have an Anvil Foundry, and a hoist in my garage ceiling. I simply raise the basket enough for the water level to come down to just above the top of the grain, set the hoist and start adding sparge water. When the water levels equalize, I repeat the process until sparge is complete, then lift...
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    For Sale MiniBrew 15g MLT and 14g fermenter for sale PHX area

    I have a MiniBrew 15 g mash/lauter tun and 14g conical fermenter for sale. The mash lauter tun has a Blichmann auto sparge and temperature gauge installed. The fermenter has a temperature gauge, bottom dump valve and racking/sample valve installed. Asking $160.00 for the MLT, and $100.00 for the...
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    For Sale Blichmann G2 15g and 20g pots for sale PHX area

    I have 2 Blichmann G2 kettles for sale, 1 15 gallon and 1 20 gallon. Both are in very good condition, and very clean with original documentation and mfr supplied tools. Selling because I am simplifying my process. Will sell the 15 for $230 and the 20 for $250, or $425.00 for both. May negotiate...
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    California 2 Glass Carboys For Free

    Jorge, Yes, I will start a private conversation to give you my contact info
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    California 2 Glass Carboys For Free

    Hi Jorge. Shoot, just checked my post today (Sunday). They are still available. Any time you want to come by, let me know. Sorry, I didn't set my preferences to notify me, but have now corrected that!
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    California 2 Glass Carboys For Free

    San Fernando Valley. First one to pick up gets.
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    What does wheat malt look like?

    Morrey, they both chew and taste the same. I'm thinking it was mislabeled. Thanks
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    What does wheat malt look like?

    Here's a silly one: I bought some wheat malt at my LHBS. They had a bin labeled Avangard base wheat malt, but it looks almost exactly like barley malt. Are the two malts totally distinguishable or can they look fairly similar? I've done a couple of beers with wheat before, but can't remember if...
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    Cheap compact wort pump

    Hi All, I just wanted to share my experiences with the little tan wonder pump. I bought it from Amazon for $22.00 about 2 years ago, and it worked great for use as a sparge water pump. I have used it as a wort recirculation and post-boil chiller pump on about 9 5-gallon brews and 3-4...
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    Wyeast 1007 fermentation temp too cold?

    One more update: As of this morning, the kruesen has blown though the airlock. (5 gallons wort in a 6 gallon bucket.) I'm deliriously happy! Chuckyboomboom
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    Wyeast 1007 fermentation temp too cold?

    Thanks again everyone for contributing your expertise. A little update: once the beer warmed up to upper 60s, it took off like gangbusters. A lot of DMS odor, but I cooled it down to 62 with a water bath, and everything seems to be settling down. Awesome! If it still smells strongly of DMS when...
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    Wyeast 1007 fermentation temp too cold?

    Khawk95: Haha! Will do. Thanks everyone. I'll let you know how it tastes Chuckyboomboom
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    Wyeast 1007 fermentation temp too cold?

    JimRausch: No, I did not do a starter. The yeast was past its prime, but I smacked the pack a day earlier and it swelled a little, not much Chuckyboomboom