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  1. Neunelfer

    My wife told me no more brewing

    Fixed. 1234354545
  2. Neunelfer

    How bad would it be for Canada...

    2nd place is just the first loser.
  3. Neunelfer

    How bad would it be for Canada...

    So much shame...
  4. Neunelfer

    Malware designers must die a slow, painful death

    Any sign of a virus on my computer and it's reformat time.
  5. Neunelfer

    My First Rant

    Your post body is way too long I couldn't be bothered to read it... but based on your title you are ranting about something I do not care about. :)
  6. Neunelfer

    How bad would it be for Canada...

    Of course we are going to win. Our team is unstoppable.
  7. Neunelfer

    Guess I Need to eat More Cheese........

    Joke was killed when mouse came back to life. :(
  8. Neunelfer

    Epic Beard Man destroys idiot on bus

    He has some serious mental problems. I doubt anything in that interview he said was truthful. There was no knife.
  9. Neunelfer

    Epic Beard Man destroys idiot on bus

    I don't see how it matters if the guy is racist or not. The other guy hit him, end of debate on who was at fault.
  10. Neunelfer

    SF Giants fans...

    Who else is tired of the decisions made by management? 12 million to DeRosa? :mad: Letting Winn go to the soulless Yanks? :mad::mad: If it was up to me I'd trade away Lincecum (Yeah, I said it) for a big bat and a lead off man (Think Utley + Rollins). We have so much in our bullpen then...
  11. Neunelfer

    contemplating counseling

    Stop sitting online feeling sorry for yourself. You need to make the steps to make your own life better. You seem to like crutches. Get off the pot and stop playing video games. Go outside, make friends... drinking and posting online to random people isn't the solution to anything.
  12. Neunelfer


    So conic sections with teeth missing?
  13. Neunelfer

    Epic Beard Man destroys idiot on bus

    Epic Beard Man needs help, he has a couple screws loose... but Amber Lamps needed help too. A lesson in shutting the **** up and not starting a fight when he can't fight.
  14. Neunelfer

    Epic Beard Man destroys idiot on bus

    What were you expecting?
  15. Neunelfer

    Do you think I went crazy?

    No pictures?
  16. Neunelfer

    Epic Beard Man destroys idiot on bus

    Best parts of the video were during the beat down: "What the ****?!" "Beat that *****'s ass!" Pure comedy.
  17. Neunelfer


    It takes like 5 minutes to get a handgun safety certificate.
  18. Neunelfer


    Otherwise... :D
  19. Neunelfer


    Bird shot is for birds. If you fire on somebody you better be ready and trying to kill. A shotgun might be more forgiving than a handgun but it's still very important to become proficient with the weapon.
  20. Neunelfer


    .45ACP is a great choice, but right now it's somewhat hard to come by (at a decent price) if you shop online for your ammo. This may or may not go away in the near future, depends how soon the ammo producers can catch up with the chicken little's staring up at the sky. It's also relatively...