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  1. E

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round#20

    Two bags of 2-row please and thanks!
  2. E

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round#15

    Paid. Many thanks!
  3. E

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round#15

    3 x 2row Please and thank you.
  4. E

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round#14

    Thinking the same thing.
  5. E

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round#12

    I'm in for 2 sacks of 2-row. Please and thanks.
  6. E

    December 2013 New England Grain Buy

    What's the address of where we're going? I'm gonna try and get there for 11.
  7. E

    December 2013 New England Grain Buy

    2 sacks for me. I'm a lightweight these days.
  8. E

    Water Quality/Chemistry Report Thread

    Bristol CT Report date 3/26/13 pH 7.5 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Est, ppm 70 Electrical Conductivity, mmho/cm 0.12 Cations / Anions, me/L 1.0 / 0.8 Sodium, Na 14 Potassium, K < 1 Calcium, Ca 5 Magnesium, Mg 2 Total Hardness, CaCO3 21 Nitrate, NO3-N 0.1 (SAFE) Sulfate, SO4-S 2 Chloride, Cl...
  9. E

    Adding flavor in secondary

    Hello all, I've recently joined the ranks of extract brewing and I'm absolutely hooked. This forum has provided a wealth of knowledge and for that I am very appreciative. I'm having an issue with my second batch, an IPA by design, but it's tasting like a plain bitter. It's got good hop...