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  1. C

    Beer Flight Paddle ideas

    That’s the ticket I’m going to put holes in so the glasses stay in while carrying. I googled free clip art fish Silhouette and see a bunch that will work like Tarpon (since I’m now in FL) Tuna, stripers, and trout i need a dz or so. I’ll post a pic after I make them thx guys
  2. C

    Beer Flight Paddle ideas

    Thx I was looking fir some cool ideas. I think I’m going to just use some fish silhouettes
  3. C

    Using yeast cake instead of packets

    I’ve reused my yeast forever. Tried all kinds of things from dumping on older cakes to washing. All worked but that doesn’t mean it’s best practices. Yeast is very fragile and needs to be in an optimal environment with lots of nutrition. Reason I now only make step up starters instead of risking...
  4. C

    Beer Flight Paddle ideas

    I'm looking to make some Fish, Beachy, palm tree or something beer flight paddles. Anyone have any they've made and would like tp share? Thx
  5. C

    oatmeal stout

    Oats are already milled. Just put them in the mash
  6. C

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2016?

    Adding 13 gals of IPA to the total. Imperial stout and 2 lagers will hit the kegs shortly 6842.5 + 13 gal = 6855.5 total
  7. C

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2016?

    5546.5 + 20 gals = 5566.5 10 gals of Lager and 10 of an IPA. Bought 2 more 50 lb sacks. 2 more beers planned for this weekend and a couple more one day next week. I'll add them after they're done and kegged. Beer me :mug:
  8. C

    CT Brewers Check-In

    Awesome of you to offer this up. :mug: People take him up on this offer. Fresh hops in your beers kicks ass.
  9. C

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round#13

    Thx Josh not on here a lot. Someone told me about this buy. I didn't realize I was paying 68 bucks for Vienna and 65 for Pearl. When I actually looked at one of my receipts I jump on here and wanted in. I'll be on the lookout for the next buy. Thx again. I'll PM you my email Jay
  10. C

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round#13

    Well that sucks
  11. C

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Round#13

    BIG Thanks to wScottC for helping out us CT folks. Put me down for a Vienna and a Pilsner please. My first time joining a bulk buy on the site. Whats the time on this? Just wondering so I don't over buy now. thx Jay
  12. C

    Using Orange or Tangerine Peel

    I add zest to several beers. Use a zester to strip just the peel. Any white meat will add lots of bitters. I like adding them as I turn off the burner and start the whirlpool. To long in the heat will kill the vital oils you want. I've tried adding to the secondary with very moderate at best...
  13. C

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2016?

    I'm 10 kegs in already for 2016. 50 gals added to 3257.75 = 3307.75
  14. C

    What are you doing instead of brewing this weekend?

    It's not new here. All you need to do is go into the crap areas to bars you wouldn't drink in. They all still use the kegs. I'm going to a Biker bar tonight in BPT that is holding a few kegs for me.
  15. C

    Naming Poll

    Also no one under 45 will even know what Panama Red is. Or Gold or Tie stick
  16. C

    Naming Poll

    You lost me on the beer style. You state this recipe is based from an IPA but the style names in your poll start at a stout. So what style is it you plan on making? And what strain of pot are you using? I'm also interested in your process to get THC in as well as the flavor your seeking...
  17. C

    What are you doing instead of brewing this weekend?

    First flakes starting to fall in CT. I did 4 double brew days in the last week and a half. I have 8 carboys that need wracking off. Dry hopping 2 IPA's. Then taking a ride in hopefully a crap load of snow to test out my new Jeep while heading to pickup a bunch of kegs from a bar that changing...
  18. C

    Oatmeal Stout in the Primary; what should I do with it??

    My .02 If you're brewing a beer for the first time and like the results. Brew it again. If you can hit all your marks and it taste the same. Now you know you can repeat the results. Key to being a good brewer is being able to make the exact beer every time. After you've done that change...
  19. C

    New Haven Homebrew Club

    Thx for the info JohnnyO I plan on making the Monday meeting to check you guys out. Is it cool to bring homebrews to the bar? Thx Jay
  20. C

    Problem with Boiling in a Tall thin pot?

    Scorching the wort would be the only issue I can see. It may take s little longer to boil per less area in contact with the burner. Use it.