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  1. Jupapabear

    First Time Brewing. Queries.

    Everyone has let this go too far with out knowing the actual recipe. Can you tell us ALL of the ingredients and water volumes so that we can make educated directives? As a side note, I would highly recommend John Palmers "How to Brew" that can be found for free online via a quick Google...
  2. Jupapabear

    What are you drinking now?

    Colombian coffee, mashing batch 1 of 3 right now.
  3. Jupapabear

    Cream Ale Cream of Three Crops (Cream Ale)

    Yup. I had plenty of bbq and beer on tap for our diaper party. Daughter is 8 months old today and I've only bought 2 cases of diapers for her so far. Diaper parties are the way to go. Just started the mash for this one, and have two other recipes to brew today. Have a good brewing Sunday yall!
  4. Jupapabear

    New post a picture of your pint

    Half and half DIPA and Big Coffee Stout... I called my friend crazy before I tasted it. But good lord it is awesome.
  5. Jupapabear

    Is Dry Hopping Necessary for Aroma?

    I just dropped 4 oz pellets onto my DIPA. If you want that aroma with out the mess use a bag for the hops or some sort of filter when racking
  6. Jupapabear

    Bray's One Month Mead

    Just bottled my batch at 28 days and it is fantastic. Dropped some carb candy into 4 bottles (we used grolsh bottles for ease). I'll let ya know what I think. I assumed they would take closer to 3 weeks to be carved and stable though.
  7. Jupapabear

    Euro carmel pi;s

    You can add the grain as an option to choose from but before you do go and check the add-ons. He puts plenty of updates there so you can see if your grain may be listed there. Idk about the sum vs lovibond. Try Google
  8. Jupapabear

    Bray's One Month Mead

    12lbs got my 5 gallons to 1.085. 6 is not near enough. Although I am using Orange Blossom and not wf.
  9. Jupapabear

    Bray's One Month Mead

    This is awesome. Thanks for sharing and keeping us in the know.
  10. Jupapabear

    Walkin Cooler TX Build

    I'm out in that area often. I'm excited to see you this progress. Looks solid man!
  11. Jupapabear

    Walkin Cooler TX Build

    Sub'd, this is awesome so far.
  12. Jupapabear

    Super Bowl food & beer!

    I have 4 slabs of ribs on the smoker, bacon wrapped jalapeños, meatballs, and tons of dips to go with a glorious nacho bar. 2 kegs on tap; a wheat ale and a pale ale.
  13. Jupapabear

    Keep One, Drop One - Word Game

    Head shop
  14. Jupapabear

    Can I use this keg?

    WILL get expensive. Cheaper would be a scale and brewing software to know the proper amount of priming sugar to add. Personally, I hate bottling so I set up my keggerator and never looked back.
  15. Jupapabear

    Simple Electrical Q - Yes, I realize I am clueless

    I do not know how to achieve what you are asking using what you have, but a cheap STC-1000 is what I use on my fermentation chamber. There is plenty of knowledge here on HBT about wiring them up, and usually you can get them shipped with amazon prime. Hope that gets you going in the right direction.
  16. Jupapabear

    Fermenting pail seal issue

    bah, my lids aren't sealing anymore either. I still use them and have great beer on tap with out issues. I miss the bubbles though... :(
  17. Jupapabear

    And the consensus best, economical grain mill is...

    I have the $99 Cereal Killer and I am pleased. You can set the gap to suit your needs as you grow too. I believe it has a 7lb hopper, but I use my drill and continuously pour grain into it. I do 12# batches of grain in about 2 minutes or less.
  18. Jupapabear

    Starter Yeast questions

    I would recommend using water (boiled then chilled). Fresh wort would be better, but the water is just fine.