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  1. M

    Mid HudsonValley, CT Group Grain Buy #27 (March 2021)

    Any idea when you might be running another of these? This one filled up before I could put in an order.
  2. M

    Mid HudsonValley, CT Group Grain Buy #27 (March 2021)

    You're kidding - this filled up in 2 days, after the last one was open for weeks and never got off the ground? Any chance of getting in another pallet?
  3. M

    MidHudson Valley, CT Group Grain Buy #26

    Worth trying to get this going again? I'm still in for a couple of sacks.
  4. M

    MidHudson Valley, CT Group Grain Buy #26

    I'll join for a sack of Maris Otter and a sack of RedX, if they have it.
  5. M

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Group Buy #24

    I haven't. Should be able to this weekend.
  6. M

    Mid Hudson Valley, CT Group Buy #24

    1 - Pilsner (Weyerman) 1 - Pearl (Fawcett) 1 - Munich II (Weyerman)
  7. M

    MidHudson Valley, CT Round #23

    I'm also in for a few sacks if there's another round coming up.
  8. M

    Belgian Dark Strong Ale Help with Belgian Dark Strong Ale Recipe

    This is the chart I had in mind. For that big a beer you'll need a really strong starter, too.
  9. M

    Belgian Dark Strong Ale Help with Belgian Dark Strong Ale Recipe

    So here's my best guess at translating what the server said to match to the style: 1600 lbs. of Canadian Pilsen - probably right (72%) 200 lbs. of Honey - actual honey (9%) 200 lbs. melanoidin - unlikely; maybe carapils (9%) 150 lbs of roasted barley - definitely not roasted; maybe a...
  10. M

    Belgian Dark Strong Ale Help with Belgian Dark Strong Ale Recipe

    You're sure he meant honey malt, not actual honey? My experience with honey malt is that it creates a cloying sweetness that's way off from this style. Especially at 1 lb., which seems crazy to me. Actual honey would dry the beer out a bit, like most sugars.
  11. M

    Yarrow Beer

    I'll add that while I'm no expert, a quick search turns up a lot of information on yarrow having antimicrobial properties. It's widely known as a topical treatment for wounds, likely because it's somewhat effective at fighting infection.
  12. M

    Yarrow Beer

    I shook the fresh yarrow in a jar with a tablespoon or two of grain alcohol before adding to primary, so that probably did something. Whatever you may say about the vaunted antiseptic properties of hops, they are a plant, and wild yeast in the air will settle on them as much as any other plant...
  13. M

    Yarrow Beer

  14. M

    Yarrow Beer

    Oh, and I have not experienced a "urine taste," or any sourness to speak of. Fermented using WLP0028, with a proper starter. And proper sanitation.
  15. M

    Yarrow Beer

    Throwing in my 2 cents, since I just tapped an ale brewed with mugwort and yarrow. It was meant to be a scotch ale, but my kettle caramelization didn't really take off and it's lighter than expected. 5 gallon batch, about 7% ABV, brewed with Pearl malt and nothing else in the grist. All herbs...
  16. M

    Mash Tun Preheating Question

    If your setup has pumps and you're heating strike water in a separate vessel, you can skip the math. As the strike water is heating, pump it into the MLT, then pump back into the HLT. The MLT temp will rise with the strike water, and should be just about equivalent by the time you're ready to...
  17. M

    MidHudson Valley, CT Round #22

    Where is the pickup?
  18. M

    MidHudson Valley, CT Round #22

    Awesome, thanks. I'll take: 1 x Maris Otter (Fawcett if avail) 1 x RedX (BestMalz) 2 x Halcyon (Fawcett) If they don't have Halcyon, I'll go with something similar like Pearl or Optic. Lenny, if you want to throw in an order, I can mule